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•• 3rd person pov••

"Should we call a cab?"

"I mean- how else are we supposed to get home?"

Chanyeol nodded lightly, absentmindedly looking outside the window. It was now dark outside- about 8:32, when they heard the diner closed at 9:00 sharp.

The duo decided to 'call it a night', and the end of their first date was approaching rapidly.

"Do you want to share a cab?" Chanyeol muttered, thinking of the easiest way to get them both home safely without a car.

Baekhyun thought for a second, tilting his head back which exposed the span of his neck.

Chanyeol really wanted to kiss it.

But he didn't.

"Well, I have to pick up my car from the parking lot.." He muttered, looking over to the giant.

"But we could share one and I could just drive you home."

The high schooler grinned and nodded his head at the new idea, pleased that they would be together for a bit more.

They called a cab, and waited for it inside of the brightly lit restaurant.

There was one person on the other side of the room sitting at a table, but besides them, they were the only people there.

A taxi cab pulled up, and the two exited the restaurant, into the freezing cold.

Baekhyun cuddled into his large jacket, stuffing his hands into his pockets and breathing out harshly to make a cloud appear.

"Why does it have to be so fucking cold?" He whined out, sniffling as his nose became red-tipped.

Chanyeol snorted and answered, "Cause its winter."

The brunette removed his hand from the warmth of his pocket to sharply hit the other on the shoulder.

"Yah! What was that for?!"

Baekhyun stuck his nose into the air. "You should learn when I want to complain, just let me complain."

The younger rolled his eyes, but grinned nonetheless.

Once they were sitting in the back seat of the taxi and told him where exactly to go, they were on their way.

Why am I so tired, Baekhyun thought to himself, letting out a large yawn. He had been running around all morning, fixing problems, dealing with teenagers, and going on an unplanned date, so of course he was completely wiped out. (A/N I get tired as soon as I wake up)

He leaned his head onto the window gently, feeling the vibration of the car as it sped down the highway.

Fuck it's Baek's sleepy face... He's so cute... Chanyeol thought, studying the other.

With his eyes lightly closed and his face totally at rest, Baekhyun looked like an angel sent down from heaven.

Quietly unbuckling his seatbelt, the giant slipped into the middle seat that was between the two. He buckled up and situated himself quickly.

He reached his arm back, and snaking it behind the older's head, he gently moved it so Baekhyun's head was laying lightly on his shoulder, and his body was pressed into the highschooler's chest.

I think I'm falling for you, Byun Baekhyun. Chanyeol thought to himself, smiling before gently shutting his eyes.





"Huh?" Chanyeol was jolted awake, as he looked around him. He realized the taxi was no longer moving, and he had actually fallen asleep.

"We're here sir." The driver said. The giant sat there for a second before realizing he was supposed to pay.

"Ah um.. one second." He muttered, fishing out his wallet from his pocket. Baekhyun was still sleeping away on his shoulder, and Chanyeol did all that he could to make sure he didn't move too much.

When all was paid for, and it was time for the duo to leave, the giant gently poked the other's cheek.

"Baekhyun, wake up."

Another poke.

Nothing happened.

"Baekhyyuuunn." Chanyeol whispered, gently nudging his shoulder so the other's head would move a bit.

No reaction.


"Don't fucking call me that." There it was.

The brunette rubbed his eyes, and removed his cheek from pressing against Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Are we here?" He murmured sleepily, stretching out his muscles.

Damn it Baekhyun

Chanyeol smiled lightly at the scene. The small human beside him was just too fucking cute.

They both exited the car after thanking the cabbie, and soon Baekhyun was once again wide awake due to the freezing cold.

"Do you want me to drive?" The giant asked, coming to stand beside the small manager.

"Hell no. Your not touching my car wheel Park." Baekhyun said loudly, crossing his arms.

"But you don't know where my house is at." He contradicted, looking to the other man.

The brunette frowned, and stood still for a second. "Just give me directions." He finally retaliated, and pressed his car keys.

Once they were once again seated in a car and they had the heat blasting on high, they began their journey to find Park Chanyeol's house.


UNEDITED SO DONT BLAME ME FOR TYPOS (actually yes bc it is my fault)

sorry bout that

Can we talk about @httpbam for a second tho

I fucking love this little kinky asshole





okay bye I won't take up anymore of ur day~~

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