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•• 3rd person pov ••

Baekhyun honestly couldn't care less if he was dragged along to the party or not.

Ok, maybe that was a slight lie.

It had been a long time since he had been to a 'high school party', and deep, deep down, he felt the extreme urge to actually show up.

Because damn, he used to be the fucking god of parties.

During the brunette's school years, it seemed he had somehow been dubbed the 'player' 'heartbreaker' and 'party animal' type.

Yes, almost the exact opposite of Chanyeol.

And Baekhyun had to admit, he kind of regretted dating a different girl every few weeks.

But he fucking missed getting head over heels wasted in someone else's house.

Let me be clear- he did not want to have his relationship with Chanyeol be like every experience he had before.

In fact, for some odd reason, he was extremely attached to the giant yoda.

There was no fucking way Chanyeol would get rid of him easily.


"I just don't know anymore."

The smaller shrugged his shoulders, leaning back into the car seat.

"Do whatever you want, Chan. But just remember, once you're outta high school, you'll most likely never get another chance to enjoy it like now."

The giant quirked an eyebrow at this. He let a small smirk stretch his face as he looked over to the other male. "You want to go don't you, Baekkie? Do you miss your Highschool days? Want to feel young again?"

The manager shot his tongue out and turned away. "Fuck off, Park. And keep your eyes on the road."

Chanyeol chuckled lightly, and moved one hand off of the steering wheel just to unnerve the other. He grabbed Baekhyun's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Of course not, I have precious cargo."

The older's face pinked at this, but he still turned away with a "hmph."

Suddenly, Chanyeol's hand became somewhat sweaty, and he bit the corner of his mouth. "A-and um, if you really want to, I don't mind going to that party together."

This brought Baekhyun's attention back to his beau. "Really?"

"Yes really. Why else would I suggest it?"

The manager pursed his lips together, sitting and thinking for a moment.

Finally, he shook his head. "It's okay, I can tell you aren't comfortable. We don't have to go, Chan."

But he was met with his boyfriend aggressively frowning. "No, no. Now you've got the idea in my head, and it might not be as bad as I initially thought. Let's enjoy ourselves, okay?"

Baekhyun quirked an eyebrow and turned to the other. "Chanyeol, pull over for a moment."

The giant slowly hesitated before turning on a blinker.

Easing his way out of traffic, he came to a stop in a gas station parking lot. As he shifted to park and turned the car off, the brunette reached over to grab both of his hands.

"Can I ask you a question?"

This left the highschooler kind of surprised, but nonetheless he answered, "yes."

Baekhyun took a big breath. "I know you've been depressed. I can tell it. I can see it in your face. I'm not going to ask the reason... Just.. Is there anything I can do?"

Chanyeol's jaw lightly opened, but soon he returned to biting his bottom lip in thought.

If he talked about his problems, they would be off of his chest for a while.

But... was he ready to open himself up and leave himself vulnerable yet?

"No.. No not really..." the giant murmured, looking away from the manager's eyes.

Baekhyun sighed, and released the high schooler's hands. "Okay.." he muttered lightly.

The giant's nervous chuckle bounced through the car. "It's just a... a school thing. No big deal." He muttered.

The manager frowned slightly, but nodded anyways.

What the fuck was going on?


Heyy you guyyyyyssss (short chapter I know smh)

I feel like I should like put something in the authors note like ask the characters or author or something bc right now it's just me rambling

Idk would you guys participate on something like that??


k now that that's outta the way

thank you for reading!! I love youuu

Bye byeee

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now