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•• 3rd person pov••

The tall boy's eyes widened as he looked down at the person in front of him.

He studied the dusty brown hair with black roots beginning to show, the eyes that glared at him harshly, and the petite body of the other. He also didn't fail to notice the name tag that had Manager written in red across it.

The silver haired boy gulped silently, hoping him and his friends could break free of this little fiasco without a problem.

"Yah! Are you deaf?!"

The giant snapped out of his daze, realizing the small boy in front of him was yelling. He glanced back to his two friends still messing around, before returning his attention to the brown haired manager.

"You know, messing up company property can be considered an offense right? I could call the police on you three." The taller's eye widened and he put out his hands in front of him.

"We didn't mean any harm."

Quirking an eyebrow, the shorter crossed his arms. "Not meaning to or intentional, I still can't let this slide. Get your buddies, your coming with me."

The boy's jaw dropped for a second, as he felt dread spread through his being. He couldn't get arrested- his entire life would be tainted.

He sputtered around for a bit before he realized he was supposed to be following the man, and he waved his friends over.


"How old are you guys? Middle schoolers?" Byun Baekhyun sternly sat in his office chair, his arms crossed, and a 'pissed-off' expression on his face.

"All of us are taller than you." The blonde murmured, looking anywhere besides the person interrogating them. He let out an "Oof!" as the silver haired giant beside him elbowed him quite hard.

Baekhyun was about to explode with rage; today just wasn't his day. Ever since the morning continuous things had gone wrong.

His eyebrow twitched before he forced himself to regain composure.

"I'll say your in highschool then. Seniors?"

As the group of troublemakers didn't react, he supposed it was true.

"I'm going to need each of your names, and your guardian's phone number then." Baekhyun said sternly, leaning back to study the boys.

This only seemed to faze the giant in the middle, who fidgeted and began having a cold sweat.

"Oh Sehun." The blonde murmured, still looking as if he could care less. Baekhyun grabbed his precious pen and scribbled down the name in the notebook in front of him.

The black haired boy looked directly at Baekhyun, his facial features not changing, as he said "Kim Jongin."

The room seeped into silence, and the only thing heard was the messy scrawling of the pen.

Finally, Baekhyun laid it down.

"And what about you, Yoda?" He asked, leaning on one of his arms to look up at the silver haired boy.

"Yoda?" He murmured under his breath, almost as if it had offended him.

"Park Chanyeol."

This name made the manager quirk an eyebrow. "Ah. So your parents run Park Co... Am I correct?"

The boy gave a stiff nod, still looking uncomfortable and wishing he could hurry up and leave the dreaded office.

"Here are your fucking propositions, Baekkie." The door opened loudly, as a sarcastic voice called out, but froze as soon as he saw the other people standing around.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now