twenty one

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• 3rd person pov



A certain brunette flung his sweaty hair out of his face, and raised his seventh cup of- well- whatever it was.

All he knew is that it was strong.

And it was working.

Eight other high school kids joined him, each laughing loudly and cheering random things into the air.

Baekhyun had lost his leather jacket somewhere- probably between the couch and front door- and he was faintly aware that his white shirt he had worn was a bit see through due to someone pouring an entire jug of water on his head.

He didn't really mind though.

Chanyeol on the other hand, was a somewhat quiet drunk. He held his fifth cup of the liquid and watched silently by the sidelines.

He was entranced by the brunette- his gleaming hair and pale skin, and the smile that pulled at his face.

He was beautiful.

Baekhyun seemed to be the only thing the high schooler could focus on.

He watched with a lump in his throat as the shorter maneuvered through people, bouncing slightly to the beat, and swayed his hips gracefully side to side.

And when he took a shot of his cup- the way his head tilted back to expose his neck, and the slight shift in his throat when he swallowed the liquid- Chanyeol could watch it on repeat for hours and never get bored of it.

He didn't know how he was so lucky, so blessed, and so fortunate to gain such an amazing and attractive boyfriend.


Did I not mention he was an emotional drunk also?


The giant sniffed as his eyes glazed over, staring at the most important person in his life.


Baekhyun on the other hand, was a loud, disruptive, and partier type.

Not to mention, he made decisions on the fly.

And he could barely remember his regular life when he was intoxicated.

This became apparent after the next few minutes, when the brunette stumbled over to the giant to ask who he was.

"I'm your boyfriend." Chanyeol replied, slurring the end of his words slightly.

At this, the sweaty manager raised an eyebrow.

"My boyfriend?" He muttered.

"I have a boyfriend?"

The two stood there, both looking at each other for a minute.

"Damn, I must've hit it good then." The older stuttered out- a grin coming to his lips.

The student gingerly set his cup down on the closest surface he could find.

"Have we fucked?"

A blush hit the taller head on, as he stared down into the emotionless face of his boyfriend.

He didn't know if he was supposed to answer this vulgar question or not- but he decided he would go for it.

"N-no. Not all the way."

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