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•• 3rd person pov••

Once Kyungsoo had collected himself and stopped crying into the sleeve of his best friend's shirt, he found himself downstairs thinking over the past few years.

He should've known- the clues were all there- how much pain, how much suffering, and how much emotional trauma Baekhyun had suffered.

It was unthinkable to believe that someone would take advantage of his innocent and precious friend.

But it happened.

And he couldn't do much to make the situation better.

In fact, they only had one option.

Hope Chanyeol shows up before Baekhyun withers away.


"We can't find him. Kyungie, its nearly ten o'clock- I think we should call it a night."

Kyungsoo frowned over the phone, and sighed. Raising a hand up to massage the top of his nose, he shut his eyes tightly.

"Ok. You guys should get some rest." He finally muttered, dropping his hands to his sides.

At this rate, they would never find Chanyeol.

"Do you want me to come over there to give you some company? I can help cook and stuff. I feel guilty not being able to do anything for Baekhyun."

The black haired boy stopped and thought for a minute-

it surely would make it easier on himself to have someone that would actually speak back and talk to him.

But on the other hand.... Baekhyun probably wouldn't enjoy the company.

Kyungsoo tilted his head up.

"Can you come for just a few minutes?" He finally concluded, now realizing he really needed someone there beside him.

Which was stupid.

All of this was happening to Baekhyun.

So why did he feel even worse about it?

"Sure. I'll be over there in five."

The line went dead as the dark haired boy set the phone down on the kitchen counter.

Beside it sat three full bowls of noodles, soup, and porridge. Bowls that hadn't been touched since they were made.

Kyungsoo ran a hand through his hair and muttered a curse word under his breath.


knock knock

knock knock

knock knock

"Kyungsoo, are you in there???!!"

A certain penguin was jolted awake at the rapid barrage of sounds echoing through the front door- which seemed to be extremely loud and urgent due to the quiet atmosphere of the house.

Kyungsoo popped up from his spot on the couch, moving to the door.

"Hurry up!"

He heard behind the door.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming."

He said inside the door.

And he slid the lock out of the doorframe.

And he twisted the handle.

And he opened the door.

To meet a person he did not expect to see.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now