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•• 3rd person pov••

Baekhyun gasped as he pulled away quickly from the giant, a mad blush covering his ears, cheeks, and nose. They both stared wide eyed at the figure at the kitchen doorway.

"K-Kyungsoo?!" Baekhyun stuttered out, still sitting red-handed in Chanyeol's lap.

"Why are you here?!" He sputtered, frozen in his spot.

"You left the door unlocked. You really need to fix that you know." Kyungsoo muttered out, lifting chopsticks up to his mouth that held some noodles.

Baekhyun paused, the blush leaving his face. "Wait..." he whispered, his eyes staring at one object.

"Are those my leftover noodles?" He asked quietly, looking up to his best friend's face.

"These? Oh I found them in your fridge."

Baekhyun lifted up his hands and slammed them down on Chanyeol's shoulder's (to which the younger shouted "OW!").

"Dammit! Why is everyone eating my food?!" The older shrieked, leaning his head onto Chanyeol's shoulder; defeated.

The giant slowly rubbed his boyfriend's back comfortingly, feeling quite happy that Baekhyun was cuddled into his chest.

"Get a room you two." Kyungsoo muttered, slurping up the food.

The brunette shot up and pointed a finger at his best friend. "We're in a room! And WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!"

"Don't give me that tude, mister. Chanyeol wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me."

"When did you get Jongin's number anyways?" The manager questioned, putting his hands on his hips sassily.

A faint pink dusted Kyungsoo's cheeks. "He just gave it to me when he left. It's not important."

"Now hold up a minute." Baekhyun murmured, moving his head violently so his hair would flip fabulously. "I'm your best friend. You're supposed to tell me your crushes and shit."

"We aren't in high school, Baekhyun." The squishy penguin muttered quietly. And I don't want you to fucking make a big deal because I KNOW-

"YOU'RE TOTALLY GAY FOR HIM!" The brunette shouted out, a small smile coming to his lips.

"GODAMMIT I'M NOT GAY!" Kyungsoo responded, finding the nearest surface to set the noodles down firmly. And I don't need your input. He thought quietly.

"SOO~ I can TOTALLY hook you two up. Think about it, Jongin is Yeol's friend, it'll be so easy to get him to go eat or walk somewhere! And then you can just pop in like 'hey there hot stuff betcha didn't think of seein' me here' and he'll be like 'nope but I'm glad I did cause that ass don't lie-'"

"Baekhyun stop.." Kyungsoo whined out, stamping down a foot. "Why do you always get like this? This is why I can't tell you things."

"Can't tell me things? Can't tell me things? I don't get what you mean. I'm the only friend you have, who else would you tell it to?" He tilted his head to the side, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

The black haired man shook his head. "Nevermind. Just don't mess it up for me, okay?"

A fake gasp came from the other. He held his hand to his heart gently. "Mess it up?" He swiveled around to look at Chanyeol. "Yeol, wouldn't I be the greatest wingman on this planet?"

The high schooler started sweating lightly, having the attention of both the older men. "Uh.. definitely, Baek." He laughed out nervously.

Baekhyun pointed a finger at his boyfriend and turned back to Kyungsoo. "SEE?!" He shrieked.

"He sure knows how to lie." The dark haired boy muttered, looking over at Chanyeol.

Why can't my best friend shut his trap for once and not open it again? Kyungsoo asked himself, sighing quietly. He shook his head lightly, running his hands up and down his arms.

Finally after a small quietness, he quirked a brow. "Why is it so cold in here?"

Baekhyun turned around and crossed his arms. "Don't complain to me, you criminal. You're the one who broke in to my house."

"I wouldn't have broken in if I knew you were eating each other on the couch and it was as cold as an ice box."

The brunette's face lit up brightly as he blew out a breath. "Just get out of my house."

After a short time period of Kyungsoo putting the half-eaten noodles back in the fridge and Baekhyun standing there silently, crossing his arms and tapping his foot, the man finally said his goodbyes and exited the house. "I'll leave you to do your thing." He muttered out cheekily, with a completely straight face.

As he slipped his shoes on he called out, "don't go too hard Chanyeol, wouldn't want my wing man unable to walk."

Baekhyun let out a wild scream at this, and it was all Chanyeol could do to hold him back for at least a few seconds so Kyungsoo could slip out of the door.

Once the man was safely away from the premises, the taller balled up his hand and gently tapped his fist on the shorter's forehead. "It was your fault to provoke him. I've never seen Kyungsoo so embarrassed. And loud." He muttered out.

Baekhyun just shook his head lightly. "Believe it or not, even Satansoo has emotions."

They shared a joint laugh at the name Satansoo, because they both knew how true it was.

The room settled into a quietness, a comfortable one that loomed between the two. The only sound heard was the fan gently on above them, and the slight drip of the kitchen faucet that Baekhyun was too lazy to call someone in to fix.

They stood there for around three minutes. The giant just enjoyed the smaller's company, while Baekhyun was quietly thinking back to the times when he first met Kyungsoo.

He sure was a different one, no doubt, but that was a story for another time.

Finally, Chanyeol closed in and grabbed Baekhyun's hands from his sides. He smiled lightly down at the brunette.

"So I was thinking," he muttered out, avoiding the other's stare by looking at the ceiling. "Would you like-"

He paused, and then dramatically tilting his head down and meeting the other's gaze he murmured, "-to go out on a second date?"

He swung their hands in front of them cutely, a smile stretching over his face.

The shorter snickered at the high schooler's cheesy actions, but nonetheless replied, "Of course, Yeol."



im planning some awesome shit to go down in these next chapters


oke, byeeee

I love you all~

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