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• 3rd person pov




"Hello?" Baekhyun gasped out, one hand clutching his ribs and the other resting on his knee.

I should probably work out more..


When hell freezes over that is.

"Hey, Baek, you ready?" The phone responded, Chanyeol's voice bouncing through the manager's ears.

"Uh, yeah give me a sec. Just gotta lock up and stuff."

"Baekhyun? Locking up? Man, you must be really excited for this party- the last time you 'locked up', I believe you forgot the door was locked and had a panic attack... right?"

A redness surfaced over the brunette's cheeks, as he puffed them out.

"I thought I was trapped! And it didn't help you sitting in front of my door like a rock!"

He could hear the giant's laugh buzzing through the phone line.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't forget your keys or else you'll have to come home with me."

Even though the other couldn't see him, Baekhyun still squinted his eyes.

"And what are you implying, Park Chanyeol?"

"Well you'll find out later tonight when you're screaming my na-"

"-I'll be out in five." Baekhyun rushed out, quickly pressing the red hang up button before throwing his phone onto his bed.

Covering his cheeks, he breathed in and out a few minutes.

That fucking tease.

Grabbing a hold of his emotions and whipping himself back in shape, the brunette turned to face the mirror.

He had to admit,

He looked fucking hot.

Black skinny jeans with wide holes at the knees and the expanse of his thighs showed off his curvy legs, while a fitting (quite tight) white t-shirt that read 'supreme' hung off his frame. Finally, his outfit was complete with a leather jacket and black tennis shoes.

With tousled hair and smokey eyes, the boy winked at himself one last time before nodding.

As he hopped down the stairs, he felt the familiar feeling of anxiety and extreme excitement that he seemed to get before every party in his high school days.

The feeling was unnerving.


And he missed it so much.

His gut stirred nervously as he slipped out of his front door and waved at the car sitting outside in his driveway.

As the brunette flung the door open, Park Chanyeol came into view.

Chanyeol felt his mouth dry at the sight of his boyfriend showing off his legs, and he felt himself get hot as he stared at the holes that exposed Baekhyun's milky skin to the world.

He had a small voice in the back of his head not wanting anybody else to see his legs like that- but Baekhyun was a grown man and could decide things for himself.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now