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•• 3rd person pov ••

"So... Are you going to tell me why you have been sitting on my doorstep for nearly-"

he glanced down briefly at his phone.

"-three hours?" Baekhyun concluded, sitting crisscross beside a certain giant.

Chanyeol sighed and stretched out his back painfully. Fucking door.

".. I don't really have a reason." He muttered, frowning at himself.

The smaller quirked an eyebrow and stared at the highschooler, not believing the previous statement.

'It's so fucking cold...
Chanyeol sat out here for three hours straight??'

Baekhyun proceeded to stand up, and patted off the imaginary dust from his pants.

Chanyeol looked up at his boyfriend, speechless, as he watched the other fix his clothing.

They stood- well, correction- Baekhyun stood while Chanyeol looked up at him like an idiot- for about a full minute.

Finally, the shorter sighed.

"Are you coming?"

"Coming where?"

The manager gave the student a deadpanned look.

"Inside, Chanyeol."

"I can go inside?"

"Your really going to ask for an invitation after you've broken into my house before?"

This made a small smile surface on the tired face of the highschooler. They had only known each other for a week or two, but already they had memories.

It took a second for the lanky giant to shuffle to his feet, but once he did, the pair walked into the warm home.

"Are you cold? I can make tea." Baekhyun muttered, slipping off his jacket to hang on the hook.

Chanyeol stayed quiet, gazing over at the man.

He didn't know if he had already said this, but damn, Baek looked hot today.

The sweater he wore gave him sweater paws, which were the most adorable things Chanyeol had seen all day. Not to mention how tight his pants were, and how Chanyeol couldn't stop staring at his-

"What kind of tea did you want?"

The voice cutting through his fantasies jerked the Yoda-like boy away from his thoughts.

"Ah- um- Oolong." He sweated nervously.

Chanyeol managed to clear his throat without looking too suspicious, and watched Baekhyun affectionately as he busied himself with the task of making tea.

Before he knew it, the silver haired boy already had a faint grin plastered on his face.

He felt more relaxed then he had for a while now.

It was kind of scary that a person had that much effect on his life.

He didn't know

If he hated it

Or loved it

But he could only treasure the feeling while it lasted.

The older boy gently placed the mug of tea on the coffee table, moving to plop down on the couch beside his boyfriend.

After taking a minute to study the other, Baekhyun sighed lightly.

Shifting slightly to curl up next to the giant, he gingerly placed his head on the crevice between his boyfriend's neck and shoulder.

This action surprised the large-eared boy- he had never known Baekhyun to make a move on him first.

It had always been him initiating the kiss.

It had been him to pull the smaller closer.

And it felt nice to receive affection from the person he strongly-liked.

Chanyeol let out a breathy chuckle.

"Does Baekkie want to cuddle?" He muttered. Even though his eye bags shown prominently beneath his eyes and his hair was a bit greasy, anyone could tell that Chanyeol was happy in this moment.

"Shut the fuck up and snuggle with me, Park."

A smile stretched across his entire face as Chanyeol moved to the arm of the couch and turned slightly. He opened his arms, and Baekhyun already knew what to do.

"Of course Princess." The highschooler murmured in the shorter's hair, his arms and thoughts full of nothing but Baekhyun.

The fiery brunette decided to ignore this remark, instead choosing to breath in deeply and treasure the scent of Park Chanyeol flooding through his entire being.

Baekhyun nuzzled his cheek into Chanyeol's chest, feeling warm, safe, and happy.

He had never been this infatuated with a relationship.

And he didn't know what to think of it.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" The giant murmured softly, turning his head so he could talk without getting a mouthful of hair.

Baekhyun thought for a moment. Then, after a minute or two, he proceeded to shake his head 'no', without moving it from the other's chest.

The giant tilted his head at the smaller.

".. What did you want to do then?"

"Sleep." Came the immediate reply.

Chanyeol felt his lips curl up automatically. He couldn't describe how he felt- too much was happening.

His heart swelled at seeing his beau curled up into him, and butterflies flitted around wildly in his chest. He hoped Baekhyun couldn't hear his heart beat, because damn was it pounding.

As he linked arms around the petite body attached to his, he decided maybe his life wasn't completely all shit.

At least this part wasn't.

And he was really thankful for that.


Baekhyun's eyes had already become as heavy as boulders, and after a few seconds, he went out like a light.

It took a bit longer for Chanyeol to fall asleep- he took five minutes to study the angel sleeping on top of him, and five more to panic and hope Baekhyun didn't suffocate with his face buried in his chest.

But soon enough, the giant too felt his eyes droop, and both of them seemed to be whisked away to dreamland together.



I hope you enjoyed~~~


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