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•• 3rd personpov••

Forty-seven minutes had passed until the bathroom door creaked open, and steam gently rose from the insides.

The light flooded into the otherwise dark room, and caught Chanyeol's attention instantly.

But, Byun Baekhyun had yet to notice anything.

Maybe he just supposed there wouldn't be a giant sitting on his bed in the dark.

With a towel wrapped around his form, the manager wobbled over to the dresser.

Seeing his beau limping and struggling to move, Chanyeol felt an immense guilt swim in his gut.

He didn't want Baekhyun to drop his towel without noticing him, so Chanyeol lightly cleared his throat.

The brunette stiffened for a split second, one sock gripped in his palm.

He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

He bit the inside of his lip and refused to move, instead staying in place, as still as a statue.

"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol whispered lightly, not wanted to disturb the silence of the room.

The brunette shifted his stance a bit, keeping his eyes trained on the wallpaper.

"I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean to intrude- I just came to-"

"Please get out." Came the murmured response.

Chanyeol stopped mid sentence. "Huh..?"

"I said, please get out."

Baekhyun's voice never wavered, and neither did his gaze. Chanyeol felt guilt and confusion gnawing his insides, and the sudden rush of fear swept through him.

"W-wait- please. Just let me say a few things- please.? I-i won't take long- you don't even have to turn around just please listen-"

Baekhyun sighed lightly, and forced his tears back. But he didn't make a move to stop Chanyeol.

So the giant continued.

"I'm not really sure what I did- but please believe me when I say I'd never hurt you. Ever. I know I shouldn't have taken advantage of you while you had drank- b-but I wasn't thinking-" he had to take a small breath and regain his voice.

"It's something I regret doing. But I never for once regret showing you my feelings, or letting you know that I want you to stay in my life forever. I want to be a part of you, I want to play video games with you, I want to eat ice cream with you, I want to shop for groceries with you, I want to cause trouble in Ikea, as long as I end up doing it with you. I-I ... I love you Byun Baekhyun, and I'm scared. I've never felt this before. My heart feels so many things. And I want to experience them with you. Please-"

At this point, Chanyeol couldn't stop the large drops falling down his cheeks.

"Don't leave me."

At this, Baekhyun swiveled around.

Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and his mouth drew out a harsh frown.

"It's not you- it's not anything you can control! I fucking hate myself, okay Chanyeol?! I hate myself because all I can remember is that stupid moment in high school. All I can remember is being fucked until I pass out. I can't even remember our first time!"

Baekhyun grabbed the strands of his hair, as his eyes widened so much Chanyeol was mildly concerned they'd pop out.

"I remember nothing from that night! I can only feel his hands- not yours- and it's supposed to be a special moment I love and cherish forever. How am I supposed to go on if I can't focus on anything but that moment. How am I supposed to make you happy?!" Baekhyun screamed now, meeting eyes with Chanyeol for the first time.

Both of them shared a look, a look that I can't really describe in words.

All they knew, is that this was real.

Chanyeol sighed, and cleared his voice to remove the sob that almost snuck out.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Baekhyun raised his head, and gazed tiredly at the giant.

"About what?"

"About making me happy."

Chanyeol connected their gazes once more.

"Because, Byun Baekhyun, I'm one million percent sure that you are the only person that could ever give me happiness."

Chanyeol looked down, before getting up. He moved over to the brunette.

"I love you. I could never love anyone else."

"Now please" Chanyeol whispered,

"Let me fix you."

Tears streamed down Baekhyun's face as he could only look at Chanyeol. Suddenly, he felt his heart clench wildly, almost in a suffocating manner.

He wobbled forward, and reached out his hands.

Clutching the fabric of Chanyeol's t-shirt tightly, the brunette sobbed out, and hid his weary and strained face in his chest.

As he felt arms warm securely around his waist and sigh lightly into the embrace, he knew.

As he chocked out another small sob, he let his hands rest on his boyfriend's shoulders.

"You don't have to fix me."

He whispered lightly, sniffling.

"You already did."

-F I N-

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