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•• 3rd person pov••

"I liked the little green thingy that was always by him. It was so cute." Baekhyun muttered out, fantasizing about the cute plant from the movie they had just watched.

"I got scared when he was about to give him up." He sighed, looking up and squeezing the hand in his.

Chanyeol nodded absentmindedly, muttering a small "hmm."

Quietness seeped between the two, and the chatter of people behind them soon became the only sound in the air.

The brunette frowned and pulled up his jacket a bit.

He knew something was wrong with Chanyeol, even if the giant didn't tell him.

But it felt as if their school/work lives were automatically separated from their personal private time.

So, he didn't ask.

Which was the first mistake of many to come.


"Do you want to eat anything?"

Chanyeol forced himself to zero in on the conversation going on, finally giving his attention to his boyfriend. He shook his head lightly.

"I'm full on popcorn. Did you want to get something?"

Baekhyun pursed his lips and tilted his head back.

"Mmm.. I'm good." He decided, nodding to himself.

The giant smiled at the brunette's cute actions, loving the feeling of the small hand enclosed in his own.

Whatever he was going through, it felt small when he had the brunette boy beside him.

But there would always be that small nagging voice in the back of his head- telling him he would never be good enough- telling him he was fake.

And it was true.

Everything everyone saw was artificial.

This wasn't Park Chanyeol.


But then again, who was Park Chanyeol?


".... So, is this the end of our date?" Baekhyun asked lightly, shifting to face the highschooler beside him.

Chanyeol stood for a second, eyes dim and glazed over. Finally he came back to his senses and met his boyfriend's eyes. "What?"

The shorter sighed lightly, and frowned at the other. How am I supposed to carry on a conversation if it's like I'm talking to myself?

"Nothing, Chanyeol. I'll see you later, okay?"

The giant frowned for a split second, and scrunched up his eyebrows. "Wait, the date is over? You didn't want to go to the park or something?"

'Yes I want to go to the park and I want to cuddle and kiss and watch as birds fly above us and little kids chase each other on the playground.' Was what he wanted to say.

"No, I'm feeling kind of tired. Work has me a bit stressed." Was what he actually said.

The silver haired giant bit the inside of his lip. After standing there for a while, he muttered out, "Oh." And let his eyes fall to the pavement.

Baekhyun watched him quietly, and felt the unbearable feeling of sadness slowly creeping up into his heart.

He was going to get used to that feeling.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now