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• 3rd personspov

Dusty sunlight shone through creamy white curtains, giving the light in the room a strange but satisfying colour.

Two people slept soundly beside each other, their exposed chests halfway covered by the white blanket.

Suddenly, the brunette's eyes popped open.

Throwing the covers away from his body and ignoring the swirling room around him, he pushed open the bathroom door.

Coming to rest beside the porcelain throne, he spent the next twenty minutes sweating profusely as he vomited and dry heaved what was left of the pizza he had eaten last night, and an oddly coloured liquid out of his system.

Baekhyun slumped onto the tile floor, feeling the coolness on his exposed back.



Almost not wanting to, the brunette let his eyes wander down to his body.

His uncovered, and naked body.

The sight of the bruises littering his hips and red marks dotting over his chest made him lean over the toilet yet again to heave once more.

His eyes widened as he choked on the air surrounding him, staring in horror at the damage done to his body.

And he remembered.

He could feel the hands touching him.

The unpleasant feeling boiling in his stomach.

He remembered saying no,and shouting things like please, I'm begging you.

And the memories resurfaced altogether.

That night- that terrible, disgusting, and horrible night so long ago.

He never wanted to remember that again.

Looking up into an unknown face as his lower half was abused, and the cold vice grip the other had on his thighs- his bruised wrists laying beside his head and the pain that ricocheted through his body as the pace fastened.

He hated it.

He hadn't even told Kyungsoo that he had been raped.

It was his own secret.

As far as the boy knew, it was a drunk mistake.

And oh, how he wished it was.

Baekhyun couldn't breathe.

He couldn't scream.

He couldn't talk.

He couldn't cry out.

He wanted to forget.

Raising his hands to his hair, he pulled on the faded strands as hard as he could, curling his knees to his chest and tucking his head on them.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now