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•• 3rd person pov ••

"And what flavor would you like?"

Baekhyun stood frowning, wrapped in a scarf, an over large coat, and gloves in front of an ice cream parlor- in the middle of fucking winter.

"Chocolate." He muttered, watching as the boy nodded and turned away to present them with cones.

The boy working the parlor right now seemed even less happy to be here than the customers.

Baekhyun studied his mint hair falling over his face, and his pierced ears. His eyes trailed down to name tag, that read Yoongi.

He handed over the two cones to the waiting couple, taking the money from their palm.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked off together, both slurping up the cool cream.

The giant glanced over to the manager, then back at his ice cream.

Then back to the manager.

A smirk rose over his features.

"Baekkie, you've got a bit-"

But before the high schooler could pull the other close and lick it off, Baekhyun pushed his chest back.

"Stay in your lane, Park." He muttered, before using the sleeve of his jacket to wipe his entire mouth.

Chanyeol frowned, and pouted lightly.

Suddenly, a voice from a ways away caught the duo's attention.


Chanyeol spun around to see three idiots walking towards him.

You may guess the first two- Oh Sehun, and Kim Jongin- but I don't believe you've been introduced to the third.

Everyone, meet Kim Jongdae.

Let me paint you an example of how this worked.

Chanyeol found himself to be one of the 'popular' ones in his school- but not as you would think. Maybe you'd think that the hot, handsome, kind, and popular guy would be the 'heartbreaker' or 'player' type, but in actuality, he had never had a relationship in Highschool.

This placed him in a strange place of people to hang around with.

He definitely didn't want friends that forced him to date, or pressured him to hook up with a girl.

And he definitely didn't want people who would bring up his past.

And it seemed he had found those people.

Overall, their little 'Trouble-Maker group' had a pretty high standing in the school.

Kim Jongdae was someone he considered to be in the 'group', but also didn't enjoy hanging around with.

Why may you ask?

Well, this is the thing.

You would have to know Kim Jongdae, and what his everyday life consisted of.

Then, you would understand greatly.

7am the usual morning line up (shit wrong fandom)

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now