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•• 3rd person pov ••

A sleepy puppy laid comfortably on a taller body. One of his arms were thrown up beside the head of his beau, while the other was stretched out and hanging halfway off of the couch.

He yawned slightly, and retracting his limbs closer to his body, he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Nuzzling into the hard chest he was presented with, he treasured the last few minutes of dozing off.

Finally, as he cracked his eyes open, dim light came flooding into his sight.

He had to blink a few times before he got used to it, but soon enough, he could make out everything around him.

Baekhyun pushed himself up using his arms, coming face to face with a sleeping Chanyeol.

His eyes widened as he gazed at the face for a few more seconds.

When did I fall asleep yesterday??

He pursed his lips together, before shrugging lightly.

He gently put his chin back on his boyfriend's chest to stare at his sleeping face longer.

He looked- well he looked tired.

But he also looked at peace.

It was strange how someone could look so peaceful, yet at the same time look so distraught.

The brunette tilted his head as he studied the highschooler's face.

Slowly, he lifted up a finger to softly draw lines on Chanyeol's face.

He traced his eyebrows, his nose, the shape of his forehead, his cheek bones, and finally his lips.

He rubbed a thumb along the bottom of the giant's eyes, hoping that maybe the eye bags would somehow magically disappear.

They didn't though.

Reaching his hand further up, he tangled his fingers into the soft silver hair, gazing at the way it shone and shimmered.

He ran through it softly, brushing through the strands and gently massaging his head. Maybe this would take away the headache he could see Chanyeol experiencing when he looked through his eyes.

Suddenly, a faint smile pulled at the giant's lips.

"Having fun there?"

His deep and hoarse 'morning voice' made tingles shoot down Baekhyun's spine, and he decided he really wanted to hear more of it.

"You were awake?" He asked gently, watching as the student opened his eyes slightly and cringed at the light.

"Of course. It's hard to sleep when someone is dragging their finger over your face."

The brunette chuckled quietly. "I'm sorry. I should've let you rest more."

The large-eared boy shook his head. "I'd much rather be spending time with you."

A pink dust painted its way over the manager's face, bringing a small smile along with it.

Chanyeol shifted to a somewhat upright position, pulling Baekhyun's shoulders so he moved with him.

"Can I have a good morning kiss?" The highschooler asked, leaning in closer.

The older suddenly slapped a hand over his own mouth and shook his head.

"No.. I have morning breath." He pouted out, pushing Chanyeol's chest softly to make some space.

The highschooler raised an eyebrow. He enclosed the small wrist with his large hand and tried to move it away. "Do you think a bit of morning breath will stop me from kissing you??"

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now