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• 3rd person pov

"Aye dude you actually showed up!" Jongin exclaimed, smiling lightly at his tall friend.

Chanyeol gave a thin lipped smile before nodding.

"It's gonna get fucking lit you better be ready" Sehun added, shoving the half-empty jug of apple juice into the giant's arms.

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at the strange drink choice.

When Jongin noticed this, he quickly told the manager that the blonde couldn't hold alcohol very well... so it was his job to avert him from it.

It got a bit too fucking lit at the last party when Sehun screamed 'yehet' as he almost stripped in the middle of the crowd of dancing students while spraying people with whip cream.

Thankfully, Jongin had got there in time to restrain the other and slip his t-shirt back onto him though.

Suddenly, the black haired boy's eyes got caught on a familiar head of hair standing in the living room.

He elbowed Sehun in the ribs.

"Dude what the fuck, I almost spilt my apple juice."


He pointed at the figure standing in the door frame.

Sehun's eyes seemed to brighten as pink hair lit up the room. Happiness spread through his chest as he seemed to swell with joy, shoving his way past Chanyeol.

When he returned with the boy in tow, Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at the familiar figure.

"Everyone, this is Luhan."

The pink haired angel-faced boy shared a small smile with each of them, but his face paled as he met the eyes of a certain brunette.

"A-ah um Byun-sshi, I-I didn't expect to see you here.." He backed away as if he was scared, staring in the face of his boss.

Baekhyun's mouth dropped open slightly- as a redness hit his face head on.



How am I supposed to face him at work

He's never going to take me seriously again

Goddammit Baek

It seemed his mouth didn't function in this moment, as he opened it slowly like a fish.

Anxiety rushed through his system at being seen in such a inappropriate and  unprofessional way.

All that seemed to come out was "Fuck."

And he didn't even notice he had said it out loud.


After being thoroughly embarrassed at being seen by his subordinate, Baekhyun believed it couldn't really get worse than this.

But oh was he wrong.

Painfully wrong.

And he seemed to realize that precisely three minutes after Luhan had introduced himself.

Because after three minutes, he heard a loud gasp, and then suddenly a shriek right behind him.

"Byun fucking Baekhyun, I do not see you at a party right now wearing those jeans."

The brunette couldn't resist the shiver that ran down his spine.

"A-ah Kyungsoo- I can explain-"

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