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•• 3rd person pov••

"Baek, will you please eat? Just a bit." Kyungsoo asked lightly, placing his hands on his hips.

He knew that Baekhyun felt sad and broken, but he hadn't even muttered a word since Sehun's house.

It was reaching 9 pm, and the brunette hadn't even raised his head to look at food the entire day.

But Kyungsoo supposed it was just something he would maybe get over, so he left it alone.

But it was becoming worrisome for the dark haired boy.

Baekhyun's empty eyes left Kyungsoo's for the nth time that day- a signal that he wanted to be left alone.

The penguin sighed angrily, before crossing his arms.

"I'm your best friend right? Now I haven't been pushing you to talk or anything, but I'm extremely worried right now Baekhyun. What is going on?"

Kyungsoo raised his voice, letting his calm facade drop a bit.

His under eye bags shown in the dim light of the room, and his neck strained as he waited for a reply.

But none came.

He clenched his fist briefly after standing in the room for five silent minutes.

And then he swiveled on his heel to close the door angrily behind him.

And Baekhyun honestly couldn't care less right now.


"It's unbearable." Kyungsoo concluded, switching his phone to his right ear.

"Chanyeol isn't at his house, so I'm not really sure where else to look.." Jongin said on the other line, the faint sound of walking making background noise.

The black haired man frowned, and plopped himself down onto the living room couch.

"Check the park, check your school, check anywhere. Just find him, goddammit. If I have to drag his tall ass to this house I will."

He heard a sigh briefly, and then the voice on the other side started again.

"We'll all split up and look everywhere. Try to get Baekhyun to eat something."

"Will do."

And with that, the phone conversation came to an end.

Kyungsoo threw his silver iphone to the end of the couch, and slumped down father.

He had chosen not to drink last night- and he was extremely glad that he did.

He didn't want to deal with a broken best friend and a hangover.

Kyungsoo looked around the somewhat small living room, belonging to Byun Baekhyun.

His eyes came to land on a picture standing on a cabinet by the front door, one that was very familiar.

Kyungsoo got up from the couch and walked over to examine the fine details more closely.

It was a photo of their graduation a year ago, with both him and Baekhyun as the focus.

Baekhyun had his hair died a dark red, and his arm slung around Kyungsoo's neck. He wore a bright grin, while Kyungsoo wore a somewhat surprised expression with a faint pink tint to his cheeks.

I know what your thinking.

And the answer is yes.

Kyungsoo did have a crush on his best friend.

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