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•• 3rd person pov ••

"EAT MY DUST!" The brunette screamed out, twisting his body and watching intently as the little car on the screen screeched around a sharp turn.

"Fuck." Chanyeol muttered, pressing every button on the controller and currently trying to hold back from quitting all together.

Currently, the duo was playing a game that everyone knows quite well- a game that goes by the name of Mario Kart.

And also, Chanyeol was getting his ass whooped by a very ecstatic and exited upside down Baekhyun.

No literally.

He was upside down.

With feet stretched upwards and legs against the couch, the brunette laid on his back and bent his neck backwards to see the screen.

No, Chanyeol had not questioned this.

Should he? Well, probably. Not if he wanted to keep his ears in tact though.

It had been a rough hour for the giant- losing 10-1 and repeatedly having his forehead flicked by the smaller male.

And Baekhyun seemed to be enjoying his time thoroughly.

The smaller scrambled to an upright position, coming to sit on his knees beside Chanyeol.

"You know the drill~" he sang out, smirking lightly as the giant reluctantly used his hand to push the bangs away from his forehead.

Baekhyun had to admit he felt the tiniest bit of guilt building up for the red spot forming-

Oh wait...

He didn't?

Well, no one is really surprised.

One flick and a painful groan from Chanyeol later, they had decided there had been enough matches and video game playing for the day.

"C'mon Baek, let's do something productive!"

The smaller male raised an eyebrow to the said statement, and swiveled to face the giant.

"If I ever see you do anything productive, I'll stomp on a little girl's sandcastle right in front of her and proceed to drown myself in the beach."

"Wait why was that so specific?"

"That's how far fetched that statement sounds coming from you, Yeol."

Though he had just basically received some form of an 'insult', Chanyeol couldn't help but smile at hearing Yeol at the end of it.

"Then what do you think we should do, Baekkie?"

Chanyeol ignored the glare sent his way.

"We could go shopping. I never got my groceries after I found you sulking on my porch." Baekhyun grumbled out, crossing his arms.

That brought the giant's mind back to something he really didn't want to think about.

So he pushed the thoughts away.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now