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•• flash back ••

It was obvious what had happened.

A small boy sat in the corner of the restroom, snot running down his face and tears staining his cheeks.

It was a cliché bully scene that happened in nearly every movie.

It was something the teachers always said not to do, but it seemed their warnings were disregarded.

But honestly, how serious is it?

The people around you have placed a false picture in your head.

If you have bullies, you be strong and stand up for yourself. Fight back, go tell an adult, or get friends.

But the problem is, some people don't have any of those things.

Some people take advantage of them, and suppose everyone has the same life, family, and people around them.

But Chanyeol has no one.

Where were his mother and father?

Probably in another country. He couldn't really remember which one anymore. It just blended together after the first few times.

Where were his friends?

That's simple. He didn't have any. He didn't talk. He didn't smile. He didn't laugh.

He was the boy in the back who had his face buried in a textbook, and he used homework as an excuse to get away from his problems.

Where was his courage?

You must be joking.

The black haired boy pulled his knees closer to himself. He raised his stick-like arms and pressed his palms against his ears.

And he screamed.

He screamed so loud, he felt his throat become sore and scratchy. He felt his voice give out, and crack as sobs racked through his body.

His limbs shook as his heart seemed to be in unfixable pieces around him.

This was the end.

He hated feeling this way.

He was useless and pathetic in this state, and the worst was what he felt inside.

He felt broken, and helpless.

And he didn't want to feel that anymore.


A boy stood in his room, looking in the mirror.

It was his first day of eighth grade.

A fake smile he had been practicing darted around his face. He watched how his eyes crinkled, but showed no life.

He looked at how his new hairstyle swept across his forehead, hiding the small acne scars that wouldn't seem to go away.

He looked at his brown eyes in the mirror, and looked down at the pair of glasses sitting on his dresser.

He didn't need them anymore.

He had already gotten surgery to fix his eyes, to make him into the person who would never be bullied again.

To make him into someone everyone admired, and no one had the guts to talk down to.

And he looked over to his back pack. The books that once controlled his life and took up all of his time were hidden away, and he decided he never wanted to read like that again.

Society was a funny thing, judging people and forcing them to change their ways to shape like everyone else.

But it seemed society's ways worked, because here he was. A broken, emotionally wrecked, and alone teenager who had the looks of a god when his glasses and pimples were no where in sight.

He looked great, but he didn't look happy.

He wasn't happy.

But he figured one day, he'd get used to pretending.

He'd think of it as something normal, and wouldn't even have to try that hard anymore.

But he didn't know that that day would never come.

Life would never be easy, it would never be in his favor.

Because that's not how life works.

As he situated the backpack of one shoulder and let the other strap hang off (like he had seen the popular kids do) he set off.

But he didn't know that when he left, he could never come back.




Oh yeah I also just wrote chapter fourteen anD ITS SO FUCKING CUTE ARG I CANT WAIT TO POST IT



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