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•• 3rd person pov••

The giant smiled cheesily at the shorter, leaning his head on his hand.

"So Baekhyun, what are your hobbies?"

Baekhyun quirked his eyebrow at the silver-haired boy before smiling lightly. "So this is gonna turn into one of those cliché dates?"

Chanyeol grinned, took a sip of his cola, and leaned back into the seat. "I don't know, you tell me."

The brunette rolled his eyes. I can't believe I agreed to try and date this freaking dork, he thought, but a smile covered his lips.

As much as he wanted to deny it, Chanyeol was funny, smart, witty, hot, and just fucking amazing.

But he'd never say that out loud.

Suddenly, two plates were set down in front of them. But of course, Chanyeol didn't miss that the girl also slid a small pink note containing number scrawled on it.

This fucking..

He cleared his throat, and outstretched his hands. By now, both Baekhyun and the waitress were looking at him strangely, but he didn't care.

He laced together his fingers and Baekhyun's halfway across the table. "Excuse me, but can me and my boyfriend get some refills?"

The girl's eyes were glued to the intertwined hands laying on the table, but soon she nodded and walked off somewhat distraut.

Chanyeol sighed in relief. At least Baekhyun didn't pull away. That would've been really awkward.

Baekhyun shook his head lightly. "Your such a jealous fuck." He muttered, laughing under his breath.

The giant pouted lightly, before returning the smile. "Hey, you should be proud to have a boyfriend that would scare off bitches for you."

There was that word again.


Baekhyun felt something for the younger, no doubt, and he didn't really know why he was so stubborn on not opening his heart to the other. His stomach did backflips when he heard the BF word, and he honestly didn't know how to react to that.

"I never agreed to be your boyfriend", Baekhyun said defiantly.

Chanyeol quirked his eyebrow. He chuckled slightly, before letting go of Baekhyun's soft hand and standing up.

The shorter watched as the giant stood up, and a sudden fear of being abandoned rushed through his being. "C-Chany-?"

Instead of walking away, the highschooler slid into Baekhyun's side of the booth, trapping the older against the wall.

He kept advancing, and Baekhyun kept scooting.

But alas, there's only so much room on a seat.

Soon, the brunette's back was pressed flat against the wall, and Chanyeol's hand was placed right beside his head.

Fuckfuckfuck what's he trying to do? What's happening?

The silver haired devil leaned forward, taking a painfully long time.

Butterflies flitted wildly in Baekhyun's stomach, and he felt like he would pass out any moment. Having someone this handsome this close to your face was not a good health practice.

As Baekhyun watched the younger advance slowly, he couldn't help but lick away the dryness from his lips, and await what was sure to happen.

Chanyeol closed the distance slowly but surely, and stopped moving once he was a centimeter away from the other.

Trouble • Chanbaek / Baekyeol •Where stories live. Discover now