5: Two bad things that happened

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Dressed in a cute oversized striped long sleved sweater as the top only and boyfriend jeans as the bottom, you step out of the house- a large mansion owned by your family business stuff- but thats not important right now.

It was the next day.

You didn't know why, but you had a sudden urge to wear these clothes, like... it had some significance. Hmm.

You had slight makeup on, and permed your hair, as well as slipping in a matching black doll heelshoes.

Youngjae stood nevously outside your gate, pacing around, but broke into a huge grin as you walk out.

"Y/N-" He stopped, staring at your outfit, before looking back to his.

You blink.

He was wearing the exact same striped shirt, with ripped jeans, except that he had long black polished shoes on.

You gaped at his appearance. Y-You both were wearing matching styles????

Youngjae just couldn't keep his smile in, and let it spread on his face faster than how his heart beat everytime with you. Well. Almost.

"Yah... Y-You..." He stumbled on his words, unable to continue as he tried to peel his eyes off you, but...

You were that mesmerising....

You shake your head, as you quickly turn around trying to hide your embarrassed face as you decide to head back in.

"Hold on, i'll change..."

But Youngjae seemed to act faster than he could think of you. Wait, about that....

His fingers danced on the passcode keys, typing in the familiar number he always used to punch as he sneaked  in to see you all the time.

Within seconds the gate flew open and Youngjae was in, flinging his arms around you as he held onto you from the back tightly.

"I really missed you..." He says, amd you blush slightly at that comment. Gosh....

The butterflies around the both of you fluttered around teasingly, and landed on sweeter smelling flowers near you to have a closer look.

The garden rustled with random insects managing their daily activities while the two stood stagnant, one too shocked to register anything, the other too into his own world to realise anything. The latter hugged the girl tighter and smile, it has been a long time ever since he could do that.

You got back your senses, pushing Youngjae's firm hold away; He wasn't your boyfriend, you still didn't quite believe that, but... Oh gosh.. Hold on, are YOU WAVERING?!

Hey its just a hug just a hug just a hug just a hug just a hug just a hug

You repeated them in your mind, quite ignoring the presense of the boy there.

Your heart felt so flustered and fluttering, it caused your breath to quicken and shivering sensational feelings all over you.

"Yah." You jumped at Youngjae as he leaned in, keeping a straight face.

He's not my boyfriend, if he's my boyfriend i would've remembered him He's not my boyfriend, if he's my boyfriend i would've remembered him He's not my boyfriend, if he's my boyfriend i would've remembered him

You chanted over and over, and it worked.

You could face Youngjae now, at least the upbeat of your heart was gone, you smile at his amazing features, feeling a little dizzy with crawly feels all around you once more.

"Uh L-Let's go now, kiddo...." You grin, and as you slowly head out Youngjae trailed behind you pouting, "Yah im your oppa!!" He calls out as he shut the gate and caught up with the you who already made quite a distance already.

You just chuckle and continue walking.

||======[Myeongdong Market]======||

Choi Youngjae skips next to you, admiring almost everything that was around from wherever, except for cute hawt girls.

A group of sexy chic girls walked past the Youngjae who got distracted by a butterfly and started admiring him.

"God.. He's hot!!"
"Oh damn"
"Oh.. No...."

You blink. This wasn't gonna be good.


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