19: Mark

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[surprise event]
[short chapter]
[i just realised i didn't name the previous chapter i was too rush :") ]
[anyway, like the title says, this chapter is probably about him / them]
[but lemme finish up where i left off]


"I never want to lose you..." Youngjae whispers, holding you tightly.

"Me too..." You spoke, your lips curving up to form a grin. You never loved the man in front of you more, and you know he'll do the same. He's so beautiful... You thought affectionately as you stroked his hair.

"CHOI YOUNGJAE! Y/F/N!" The voice interrupted your thoughts and the moment you shared.

"I guess we stayed here for too long..." You mutter, the tint of red blush reappeared on your face.

"I don't regret it!" He smirked, his eyes tingling with mischief.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?" A voice shouted, before following by a whiny one, "Can we leave? It's scary~"

"Calm down.. We're fine..." You mumble as you see the group of six  stumble over to the two of you, glancing worriedly at you two.

"What did you guys do here?" Jackson shone the torchlight onto your faces, "You're blushing!!"

He yelled, startling the rest.

"Did you guys fuck?" Blurted Bambam, who was later hit by Jinyoung at the back of his head, before Youngjae could do something to him as well.

"Oww.." He scowled.

"What? No, we didn't fuck! We only just kissed..." The last part trailed off as you silently stared down.

"YOU.. KISSED?!" Now Jaebum was screaming at you. Geez, what's with everyone and screaming today, you wondered.

You shoot a sly peek to their shocked faces, registering each of them in your mind, before wincing and wished that you didn't.

Two of them particularly caught your breath. Jackson and Mark looked at you, you notice the pain in their gaze from your ex and best friend.

You noticed the wavering pain in their eyes and the difference as they stood by one side and watched the others tease you; they didn't join in.

"Yes we kissed and we enjoyed it now let's leave," Even though Youngjae was smirking at you, you still see the faint blush from his cheeks from being embarrassed.

Mark walked past you, avoiding eye contact, before walking up to Jinyoung.

Mark never felt his heart tear like this before. He regretted his decision, letting such a wonderful girl go. He wanted her to stay, but it wouldn't happen. He felt a tug at his heart again. What is this feeling? It made him mad, crazy, and mostly oblivious. It hurt. It pulled at his heart painfully, yet it seemed to make him want to cry.

"Hey Y/N.. Can we speak?" Mark hears Jackson approach Y/N, but he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was to walk slowly away with Jinyoung, as he hears the last of their conversation ebb away, "Let's get some ice-cream, I have something I need to confess." "Oh okay, sure!"

The light was blinding when your eyes opened, you could feel a figure bending over you as your name was mentioned.

[ok fine fine, this chapter is quite long because i decided to continue]

[how's it so far isit confusing?]

"Youngjae...?" The obvious crack in your voice was heard as he brought water to you.

"What happened?" You asked him, taking a gulp of water.

"Tot you'd forget me as soon as you wake up," He laughed, his eye bags present, he looked like the first time you've met in the hospital. No wait, correction: When you first awoke in the hospital. You felt a prickle of excitement.

"Well, you were unwell and had high temperature so Jackson brought you here. This is the nearest hospital anyway." He says, his tone light, but obviously he was worried.

"Oh..." You slowly said, before looking down, playing with your fingers.

Should you tell Youngjae that you've remembered something? Or should you ask about... You hestitated. ....Mark?

Your heart pounded. You really wanted to know what was with you and Mark, but it may also seem upsetting to Youngjae...

"Y/N... Are you really okay..?" Youngjae says after the long moment of silence, it was clear he had been watching you.

You looked up, smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine, dear."

Youngjae gave a tight tired smile at your reply and leans forward to peck you on the forehead.

"Thanks, dear.." He smiles again.

Well, the question can wait.

Or can it...?


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