16: Bike date?? Or...

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[i'll update since y'all are so DESPERATE for it coughs fstxing starry00  legendsoftheworld ]

[And since i'm also losing votes HAHAHA]

[and i successfully stalked your instas lillhobi xxinggxx bWAH HAH HAH HAH]

[yeah i did follow y'all]





"Let's go on a bike date!!" Youngjae said suddenly as the movie you both were watching just ended.

"Why?" You asked him, it was just so sudden. "Well, it might help you recover your memory considering its already 4 months since the accident (considering you were asleep for the last three months or so)." He said nervously, and you smiled.

"But i still love you..??" You told him, but he just shook his head. "I wish you would be able to remember everything we've done together before..."

He said, his voice small and you cupped his adorable face. "Arrasseo.. Let's go!!" As soon as the words flew out of your mouth, a warm smile appeared on his face.

"HEY WHERE ARE Y'ALL GOING?" Yugyeom who casually came by asked, and you replied, "Bike date!!"

Yugyeom's eyes lit up, and before he was able to ask he was cut off by Youngjae, "Nope, it's a date!!"

Yugyeom pouted and you smiled at his cuteness. "It's alright, Yugyeom can tag along!!" You told him and Youngjae snapped his head at you, gaping.

"Nah, I don't wanna be third wheel, let me invite the others too!" Yugyeom smirked before hurriedly informing the rest.

"See what you've done to our DATE.." Youngjae glared at you, emphasising the word "date".

After about 5 minutes walk to the park, you both rented a bike that was meant for couples, while jackson and mark took one too, Yugyeom taking a single one and JB and Jinyoung going off somewhere else. Markson left, for their own time as well, and- wait. Oh right.

Bambam stood by one side, with neither bicycle nor partner. He stood on a patch of grass, with a couple of curious passerbys who stopped to see him teach Coco how to dab and whip.

"Paddle faster!!" Youngjae ordered, and you did. The Han river and bridge were just in line of sight, as you hear close and heavy panting behind you.

You squeal, before pushing faster on the handles, "Ppali!! He's catching up!!"

Somehow, one way or another, this was a really close bike competition.

"YESSSS, WE WON!" Youngjae got off the bike, hugging you tightly, both panting hard, and stood by the side as you watched the other competitor slow down and finally to a stop.

"Awh, I didn't win." Yugyeom got off the bike, grinning at you as you giggle.

You were about to say something when something in your pocket buzzed.

"Oh! It's time to return the bikes!" You slide out your phone from the jean pocket as the alarm buzzed noisily.

"I'll return the bikes." Youngjae says, "Yugyeom, watch out for her." He narrows his eyes.

"Don't do anything to her, alright?"

Seeing Yugyeom's usual bored looking face as he nods, and rolling of eyes when Youngjae turns away, you try to suspress your laughter.

Youngjae leaned in for a peck on your cheek as he said, "Babe, wait with Yugyeom for a while, alright? If he bullies you, just scream my name and I'll come screaming like a chicken."

You chuckle at his lame jokes, before planting a small kiss on his cheek as well, and reply, "Alright, darling."

He grinned and you did too, before Yugyeom ruins the moment by cringing. "Ugh..."

You chuckle, before leaving with Yugyeom. "Ka-ja~" You drag Yugyeom to the nearby lake, somewhere near the park, where the others were packing up from the picnic.

You suddenly feel a huge urge to puke again, as your head exploded with stars, and the world turned dark.

"Y/N... Are you alright?" Yugyeom's concerned voice sounded over the dark muted silence, and you swallowed. "Y-Yes.."

You feel Yugyeom's strong arms as he aided you to a nearby bench, far from your friends and far from everyone else. It was deserted.

As you sat down, you feel your vision clear and you could breathe normally again. Turning, you looked at Yugyeom, who looked worried, and smiled. "I'm better now, thanks." Yugyeom didn't look too much convinced, before leaning back onto the backrest and both of you looked out to the vast blue lake.

Yugyeom looked to his watch, when he suddenly mentioned, "Ahh, isn't it time for your medicine?" You freeze, your heartbeat increased rapidly. It was?

Oh no.... You knew you couldn't escape this further, but for the past few days you also didn't eat any of the medication, and you were doing fine, other than the constant puking and headaches.

"N-No.." You stuttered, avoiding his question and gaze. You still didn't dare eat it.

"Don't lie, I knew it!!" Sneaking a hand into your purse, he pulled out the bag of medicine that was buried beneath layers of nothing. "Come on, you have to eat this by 1.50am and it's already 1.45pm!!"

He ushered urgently, unscrewing a bottle of water. "No, I don't want to," Pushing him away, you reject every single one of his advances.

"I guess I have no choice.." He mutters to himself after a good three or four minutes so, and you glance curiously at him.

Flinging the pills into his mouth, he took a swig of water. You widen your eyes. "Y-Yah! W-What are you doing?" He didn't give a response but slammed his lips on yours.

He bit your lips and you gasped, and he uses his skillful tongue to slip the pills from his mouth into your mouth.


[word limit]
[next chapter will be slightly shorter..?]
[anyway good luck]


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