11: After the visit

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[istg i really don't know what i'm doing to my life]


You were threading your way back from the doctors', her words still clear in your mind.

"Eat them, you need to do this to get better."

You scoff. Why must I listen to you?

You shift your disgusted gaze over to the bag of pills shoved deep in your pouch, and shiver immediately.

Drugs are disgusting. Drugs are addicting. Drugs are terrible. You repeat them to yourself again and again, taking deep breaths, before faint memories of your beloved great-aunt pop into your mind, the one who died of overdose.

But at the same time, your best friend's concerned words flash up as well. "And don't you dare skip your medication again, i know you just too well."

You sighed inwardly, still in a dilemma to know. You didn't want to eat the medication, you had a phobia on that too. And at the same time, Jackson...

You aye ed out loud before ruffling your hair. "Whatever." You mutter as you enter the house, the familiar grass sinking under your feet as you step back into the fragrant-smelling leaves and flowers in your front yard.


"Where are we?" You asked Youngjae, who appeared minutes later all of a sudden, and blindfolded you, bringing you out of the house.

He drove you there, humming softly to himself, and probably half grinning too. You whined and struggled, but Youngjae made sure to not let you go that easily.

"Okay!! We're here!" He cheered as you shift in his arms, because he carried you up just now. "Then let me go!" You tried your best to struggle free from his grasp, but failed terribly just to lead to him holding you tighter.

"Come on... Be more patient.." He pouted, even though you couldn't see. "I've been waiting for an hour, i'm patient enough" You snapped and Youngjae replied defensively, "Then you should've told me you were having your period and i'll be more cautious," teasing you.

[TQ and credits to my friend who helped me a lot :)]

"Shut it!" You glare through the blindfold, hoping he'll feel it. "Okay okay we're here!" He finally lets you down as your feel touches the cold floor, probably mosaic or marble by the feel of it. You squeak as the chill travels through your legs fast, feeling the freezey feeling.

He chuckled, and assisted you to take off the blindfold. After taking it off, shock was the only word available to describe the feeling you were experiencing now.

"You did this all for me??" You glance around the area, where it was beautiful, the view to the sea was marvellous, the faint sunlight reflecting off the sea and the interior design of Youngjae's personal beach house was plain amazing.

You felt quite surprised and touched, before you turned over to Youngjae, your mouth quite agape with unexpected feelings.

[Get ready for your hearts to die in the next part(s) , maybe not here, but idk.. *shrugs* my engrish is not good]

"Yeah, I hope you like it." He held out a bouquet of flowers towards you nervously, and that's when you had a great idea to tease him.

"I.. I don't like this flower.." You trail off, pretending to look sad, although keeping your laughter in, it was hard.

Damn, you felt that you could have the Oscar's award for your acting as you watched his face fall as his supposed 'perfect' plan was shattering.

"I'm just teasing, you know I love them" Your eyes glimmered as you whispered, as you ran out before he had a chance to grab you, but it was too late.

He caught you and held you tight, from the back. "Oh baby, it's time for revenge!" You swallow the lump in your throat nervously and turned to him.

Youngjae had an evil smirk on his face as he lifted you onto his shoulders, having a firm hold on your legs with his large strong arm. "YAHHHH! LETTT MEEEEE GOOOOOO!!" You whined in his arms as you wiggled, trying to escape.

"Oh, I'll." He smirked, before making his way over to the luxurious personal beach house pool. "No!" You widen your eyes in realisation. "Yes." He grins, his eyes glinting as he let you go.


hi im here to ruin the mood *smirks*

since im still in a dirtae mood- *coughs*

I'll continue writing in the next part

Anticipate it!!! ^^

Maybe today i'll update 3 to 4 parts..?


may be


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