13: The amusement park again

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And yes i manage to sleep ^^ its like evening now here but i typed this in the morning LOL


It was back to the amusement park. Apparently Bambam brought his wallet out and Jackson whined about going to the amusement park again, so here we are.

The amusement park was less crowded than before, most people working or schooling, but you?

Chilling 8)

Okay let's not get distracted.

You had your arm wrapped around Youngjae's waist as you have his arm around your shoulder. "Babe, shall we get some cotton candy?" He asks, and you couldn't resist but giggle. "Oh please..." You stroke his hair fondly as you look at him, heart thumping fast.

You never felt so blessed in your life.

Loud rattling brought your attention away from Youngjae's godlike face as you glance up, to see a 360 degree roller coaster, that spins and accelerates scarily. You felt a rush of excitement as you imagine yourself sitting in there, feeling the rush of the wind and screaming with all your might.

Nudging Youngjae, you grin, "Hey do you want to go up there?"

He froze. "N-No, I need to the toilet!" He yelled, before running away. You chuckle to yourself as you glance at the others with pleading eyes. Jackson was the first to look away, before the rest one by one adverted yours. You turn to your last option, Yugyeom.

He smiled at you and nodded, and you couldn't resist a clap of joy as you linked arms and pulled him to the devil ride.

Yugyeom glanced at the excited you, seeing your child grin you have on your face he couldn't resist saying no. Making your way towards the ride, you were surprised that there was hardly anyone, and within a few minutes you found yourself clutching onto the seatbelt with your dear life, breathing in and out as the crew prepared the ride.

"Are you scared?" Yugyeom teased as you shifted your slightly nervous gaze away from him, "No."

You tried sounding confident but it didn't seem to work as he smirked at you.

Throughout the ride, you were constantly screaming as your hand held on tightly to Yugyeom's arm, he doesn't seem to mind as you continued.

Yugyeom on the other hand couldn't his heart from thumping, the way you clench onto him somehow makes his heart skip a beat and feel goosebumps on his skin. Being a playboy, he never actually felt all these before. Yugyeom never realised how beautiful you look, the stunning features you have, the way you smile and the glint in your eye as you retort back every sentence said to you.  It was strangely doing something to his heart and he didn't know what it was.

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