12: Continuations... Babe.. *smirk*

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You weren't gonna let him go that easily, thus dragging the sleeves of his clothes, there was a splash as you both tumble into the pool, as giggling followed.

He glared at you, now completely wet.

"Oh babe," He smiled, it wasn't pleasant, and before you knew it he attacked you with tickles. [lets pretend you're ticklish ;)]

"Yah stop!" You tried to say those words as you gasp for air, and all of a sudden he pulled you and held you in his embrace.

Youngjae held your waist as you put your arms around his neck for support. Your legs automatically wrapped around his hip and your breath hitches from the intimate distance.

"Youngjae..." You breathe out, and he was breathing hard. You bite down on your lips, and he hissed, "Don't. You don't know what effect you're doing on me now, darling."

You smile as you let loose of your lips, your heartbeat increasing beat by beat. 

"You don't know either." It was like a slow romantic scene from movies where you both lean into each other unconsciously.

Without another thought, his lips were already onto yours. He bites your lips for entrance, and you gasped in surprise, granting him the chance as he let his tongue slide into your mouth. Your tongue battled against his and you tugged his hair tighter and he pulled you closer. You cursed to yourself as you both pull away, before commenting, "That was hot."

You were breathless, your make out session with him always left him and you breathless at the end.

"I love you..." You smile at Youngjae's words, but you didn't say it back though. Maybe it was because of the lingering past or maybe due to the fact that you didn't like him at all.

Nevertheless, you reply, "I like you too."  and he still grinned. "You're so amazing, you know that?" He stated, his hand playing with your hair, tying knots.

"I know." You smirked at him, obviously enjoying the compliment. "I mean, really." He sounded sincere, and you believed that. You smiled at him, before he leans in to capture another kiss under the brilliant sky and behind the splendid ocean.



[omg im neglecting my sleep and other story for this one AHAHAHA]

[whelp seems like there won't be a next part soon UNTIL I FIND A CHARGER for the mean tine I LEAST I STOPPED AT A NICE PART]

[btw warning for next part: includes an extremely rich scene of male jealously :) 🌚🌚]

[good night <3]


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