7: Smile...

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It was near afternoon when you both finish eating your early lunches. Youngjae paid for it before he slipped his hand into yours and pulled you around the market.

As his running figure in front of you held your hand and dragged you around, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your heart as you looked at his backview. Gosh, wasn't it manly and boyfriend material.... That thought couldn't help but surface in your mind, before you shrugged it away. Why did I even think of that??

You looked down to the moving floor that seemed so close, before feeling your eyes peel onto the backview of Youngjae again. A warm smile suddenly spread across your face, not knowing why, but you felt very safe and happy when you're with this dork.

You shook your head.

Oh my park,

(Anyone got reference?? ^^)

Are you mad?? Why are you thinking of all of this?!

Youngjae suddenly stopped, resulting in you bumping into him. You stumble backwards, but Youngjae immediately tucked an arm under your waist and pulled you in. "Woah.. Careful there, pabo-yah..." He mumbles, before looking at you straight in the eye.

With atmost effect, you feel your face hot as warmth prickled through you, and you push and pull away from him. "Yeah... Sorry..." You let your eyes wander to the floor, as you avoided his gaze.

You could feel Youngjae's gaze still boring into you, before he finally tore it away.

"Ahjumma!!!" He yells, and there was some shuffling and knocking of objects before she replied, "Coming!!"

Youngjae looked back to you, who was looking at him weirdly. He mouthed a "what" before placing a hand on your shoulder.

You thought he was going to do something, so you pull away, but Youngjae just pushed you nearer to him. "Come here..." He sounded slightly annoyed just as you bumped into his chest.

His hand moved fast as he slung his arm along your shoulder pressing against him so you wouldn't escape.

"Aishh chincha..." You couldn't help but pout, and Youngjae looked over.

His heart fluttered again, after the long time, he had to admit he actually quite missed this uncomfortable feeling...

He chuckles, before ruffling your hair.

"Ahh kyeopta..."

And, planted a soft kiss on your nose.

You feel your face immediately reddened and warmth flushed your face at the intimate distance between the both of y'all. Your mind was blank and your heart just... just...

Thump... Thump.. Thump...

It echoed through your ears, and you thought that it was so loud that you could've sworn that Youngjae could hear it. Your breath caught in nothing, just shook.

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