Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Ezra had just gotten on The Ghost. He had instantly fallen in love with the mandalorian girl, but he didn't know her name. She's so beautiful Ezra thought to himself.

Hera and Kanan were on the bridge talking. "Hera we need to figure out what to do with the kid." Hera had known that the kid would cause trouble, but she knew deep down inside that the kid would become a great asset to the team. "Hera, what're you doing?" Kanan yelled as the ghost was hit by a lazer blast from a TIE fighter. Hera managed to get the ship into hyperspace after Sabine had shot a TIE that was in the way.

"Everyone in the common room" Hera announced over the ship's intercom. Zeb and Sabine came with Ezra close behind. Kanan, Hera, and chopper were already in the common room before the others entered. Kanan didn't want Ezra to here the convention, but Hera wanted the kid there. "Kanan and I will deliver the blasters while the three of you take the other crates to the locals. They desperately need the food and supplies we have for them." Ezra was confused by this. He didn't want to see people suffer, but he had not seen his family in seven years. Hera landed the ghost on the outskirts of Tarkin Town and went with Kanan to deliver the blasters.

Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb went to the town with the food. Everyone thanked the theee rebels for the food, but there was something Ezra thought was wrong.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to start the story and this felt like a good place to end with a cliffhanger. I'll try to update every week but I have school and family commitments so I may be a little late with updates.

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