Chapter 10: Kanera

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This part is about the crew back at base trying to get stuff done without Ezra and Sabine. Also Kanan and Hera finally realizing they love each other. Enjoy!

"Kanan, what's up with you?" Hera asked in an annoyed tone. "Nothing Hera," Kanan responded with. He had the look of 'you know I don't want to be here, so why are you asking me this' on his face. "Kanan, you do realize that I know the look on your face, right? Why don't you want to be here," Hera asked in a sympathetic tone. "I don't want to be a part of this military. I fought in one war, I know how it effects people." "With the Jedi?" "Everyone," was all the Jedi said. Kanan walked off, not wanting to relive the clone wars. He walked to his cabin and began to meditate. Without Ezra there, he didn't train much. It had only been a month and a half since the boy left, but to Kanan it felt like a year.


"Commander Sato, you needed to see me," Kanan said as he entered the command ship. "Yes Kanan, it seems Ezra and Sabine might have some trouble in their mission. An inquisitor has been sent to Narr Shaddaa. We can't warn them, but you can head there and warn them."I'll leave immediately commander." "Kanan may the force be with you." With that, the Jedi raced off to a fighter, heading straight for Narr Shaddaa.


"Captain Syndulla, Kanan will be back soon, but he was needed to find and save Sabine and Ezra. He will return, and soon, but he was the only person we could send." Hera looked like she was going to strangle someone, likely Sato. "Commander, I do not mean any disrespect, but HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND. KANAN AGAINST AN INQUISITOR WITH EZRA AND SABINE AS THE TARGETS." Hera had definitely lost it. She had to do a mission with Zeb and Chopper.

To be continued...

An update, I know. I finally have inspiration even though this is a short chapter. Who knows what will happen with the inquisitor and Hera. Will Hera go insane or will everything work out?

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