Chapter 17:

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Hey guys I've been really stressed out with school and I want to update but I have EOC in like a month and I have a presentation in just under 3 weeks so I won't be updating much right now. Also I didn't feel like writing another wedding so haha 2 characters are secretly married.

"Kanan, we need to do a resupply mission to Terelov. They're running out of food," Hera said to her secret husband. "I know, but the crew can't find out you're pregnant." "Sabine figured it out Kanan, she asked me how far along I was." "Okay, but we still have the idiots to deal with." "The idiots won't realize that I'm pregnant until I have the baby. Sabine won't tell Ezra and Commander Sato won't tell the idiots either."

"Guys we have a mission," Hera announced to the crew. "Where to Hera," Zeb asked. "Terelov, they need supplies and were the only ship that can save them." "I'll be the co-pilot, Hera." "Thanks Sabine."

The crew was making the run to Terelov when they saw a blockade of star destroyers over the planet. "Hera we have to break that blockade." "Sabine, we have a bigger issue. My water just broke." "Hera go to the med-bay I'll pilot." "Okay Sabine." "Ezra, I need you down here," Sabine yelled over the com system. "Be right there," Ezra replied over coms. "Where's Hera?" "In the med-bay." "Why?" "She's not feeling well." "Okay?" "Just help me pilot." "Okay okay. I love-"  "Ezra not now and I love you too."


To be continued...

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