Chapter 3: The Escape

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Ezra still had the cube he stole from Kanan's room. He hid it before the door opened, revealing Agent Kallus and three storm troopers behind him. "We need him to lead us to the rebels. Don't hurt him, understood?" Kallus reminded the storm troopers of this fact because well they are storm troopers. "Sir, yes sir" they both replied in unison. "I don't know anything." Ezra stated towards the agent, who he thought was stupid, in an annoyed tone.

On the Ghost
"We have to go back for the kid since Zeb let him get caught," Sabine told everyone on the ship. She didn't want to tell anyone but she secretly had a crush on the kid. Sure he was dorky but he was kinda cute. "Sabine I didn't know that," Kanan teased Sabine. "Kanan do not say a word about this," Sabine stated with a death glare. "Everyone Back on track," Hera said, the mother as always, to everyone. "Let's take a vote. All in favor for saving the kid, raise their hand or arm." Chopper and Kanan raised their hand and arm. Sabine wanted to raise her hand, but she knew it was a trap. "Looks like we're going to save the kid. Everyone strap in. We should be there in half an hour." Hera told everyone.

Back in Ezra's cell

"My uncle, the emperor will not like this. Hell demote you or kill you," Ezra shouted at the troopers. He hid just out of site from the door, running after the troopers passed him. "Thanks idiots," Ezra said as he locked the door. He found an armory that had his backpack and a helmet. He heard a conversation between imperial officers and storm troopers saying that a group of rebels had entered the destroyer. "This is TK-123, I've seen rebels in hanger five." Ezra said into the helmet communication system.

To be continued....

A/N: next chapter will be the last one from this time in the show. I will start more with ezbine here soon, but I want to add other ships. Also soon Sabine will meet an OC of mine NOT ASH.

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