Chapter 20

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Sabine sat in her room with Jyn. Ezra was there and he looked sad the the child was by Sabine. She was about 2 months old now and crawled everywhere. Ezra smiled at the adorable infant, but she just looked at him like 'what do you want' on her face. "She's so cute Sabine. When we're older and not fighting as much, we need to have a kid. I don't want to have to  raise our kid on the run," Ezra told his wife. "Ezra, is it a bad time to say I'm pregnant," the young adult mandalorian told her husband. "What? How far along are you? What's the gender," Ezra asked Sabine genuinely happy. "I'm about 9 weeks and I don't know the gender. If it's a girl I want to name her Tavi, after a mandalorian in my family. I also want her to be a happy mandalorian who can take care of herself," Sabine told Ezra. She had a feeling that her child would be a girl, but wasn't certain.

"Everyone, we have a mission," Hera yelled over the comms. Everyone ran into the common room, not seeing one member of the crew. "Where's Kanan," Zeb asked. "The empire has him everyone. Fulcrum doesn't want to help us, but we need him back. I'm not ordering anyone to go, but we need to save him. He's family," Hera said to her crew. "I'm in," Sabine announced before Ezra could. "So am I," Zeb said after Ezra. "Lets go everyone," Hera said before heading to the cockpit to plot a course for the imperial detention facility on Lothal. Ezra knew the facility and was going to lead the assault. "Ezra, don't act like it's the end of the world if I get hit. My gear can take the hit and I'm not weak," Sabine told Ezra. "No promises Sabine," Ezra told her. She hit him before putting her purple and orange helmet on.

The two humans, one lasat, and droid easily infiltrated the imperial compound. It seemed too easy for the four of them. Ezra could sense a trap waiting. "Sabine, Zeb, wait here. I sense a trap," Ezra told the team. "There's no cover here. We're completely exposed," Sabine protested. Ezra sighed in annoyance, but he let them follow him to Kanan's cell. "Ezra, it's a trap," Kanan yelled. His crew was on the defensive, trying to get to him. He heard a shriek of pain from Sabine. "Sabine, are you alright," he yelled, not knowing if she'd hear him. "I'm alright or at least the trooper is worse," she yelled back. His crew was alive, he was happy, but he still was a prisoner of the empire. "Kanan, I'm here to get you out of here," Sabine said, holding her shoulder. "Don't save me if it will endanger you," he told her. "We need you so I'll take my chances," Sabine told him.

To be continued....

Yay, this is the last chapter I'll write on my iPad and phone. My other books are being written on my laptop in google drive. That's how and why the chapters are longer and better written. I also have friends who edit them for mistakes and any issues with timeline, or the existence of a timeline for one story. Also apparently my vocabulary is a college graduate level so I am working on making it less professional so updates will be less frequent, but better written and longer.

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