A/N for the last time

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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated this book in 3 years but I lost inspiration for writing for a while. I did want to finish this book was the first one I wrote for Wattpad, but I started this book when I was 15. I'm 18 years old now and have changed so much. I will write some more Star Wars stuff, but I am into reading more original stories and writing them. Please check out my other books and I may write a more adult Star Wars book based off of the sequel trilogy with a character that I love. I still love Star Wars and play SWTOR a lot. My goal is to work on some stories during this crisis the world is going through. I'm stuck at home due to someone I was around possibly having COVID 19 (doubt they have it because they are already feeling better, but we have precautions to follow) so I'm in quarantine here until we get test results back. Please check out my stories that are more recent because I prefer the themes of those two over some other WIPs I have.

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