Chapter 8: The Launch

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Before boarding the transport
"EZRA BRIDGER AND SABINE WREN, GET OVER HERE, NOW," Hera yelled before the two teens boarded their transport for their new mission. Sabine had her hair dyed brown with red tips. She had pinkish lipstick on to help her blend in. The two teenagers were scared about what Hera would do since she seemed really mad. "Where do you two think you're going? You did not have approval to go on this mission." "Hera, Ezra and I are too recognizable to do the mission you approved. I'm 17 years old and Ezra is 16. We can handle the mission, and if an adult comes along, then the mission will fail. We didn't want to have to take the mission, but what we did on Lothal made it impossible for us to do the first mission. Ord Mantell is too close to Courscant and too many imperials there. We are sorry Hera, but we want to help and this is how we can." "Sabine I commend you for your explanation, but the mission is still too dangerous." "Uggg tion'jor cuy' Ni olar" "Sabine speak basic, NOT mando'a. We told you this already." "Hera, te aka cuyir too risky bid vi ganar at vaabir te ashi solus." "SABINE YOU HAVE TO SPEAK BASIC." "Hera, the Ord Mantell mission is too risky. I'm a trained mandalorian, and Ezra is a Jedi? The point is that we can do this." "Sabine you have won me over, and with that, you two may go on the mission." "Thank you so much Hera. We won't let you down." "We know you won't. You too be safe." "We will." The two teenagers boarded their Corellian YT-700 model freighter on their way to Nar Shaddaa.

At the base
"Where's Ezra and Sabine?" "They are on a classified mission, Zeb. I can't tell you anything else about the mission, sorry." "I get it Hera. Well at least I get my cabin to myself while he is in mission." The crew walked to the ghost for their next mission. They would be helping phenix squadron get shield generators to protect them.

"Ezra, can you please get the bag for our gear? I want to make sure that the weapons they gave us are decent." "Sure thing Sabine. Hey, have you ever been to Nar Shadda?" Ezra asked while grabbing the bag that stored their gear. He had only left Lothal earlier that year. "Yeah, it's a drug filled party moon. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it does have it's perks." "How are the people? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really confused." "Ezra the people are criminals. Just relax and follow my lead." Sabine leaned in and gently kissed Ezra on the lips. "Don't overthink everything Ezra."

After arriving on Nar Shaddaa
"Ahh, a mandalorian girl. What location would you like your apartment?" "We want a decent sized apartment, balcony access." "Of course, for a mandalorian. Please follow me." The pair followed the man to a large apartment with a balcony. "Here you go. I hope the place will be alright, I know how your work can be." "Thank you, sir." The pair explored their apartment. It was huge. "I could get used to this, Sabine," Ezra said in awe. "Me too Ezra." Before they knew it, the pair was kissing. Sabine wrapped her hands around Ezra's waist, and Ezra cupped Sabine's face in his hands. Neither one wanted to stop kissing, it felt so The peaceful, but they had to eventually. "Wow. Ezra Bridger, you are amazing," Sabine exclaimed while catching her breath.

To be continued...

A/N: I know that there was a second version of this chapter and people may be wondering where it went, I removed it and will be rewriting it with help from a friend who would be a good person to help me. For me, it was hard to make the chapter since I'm a lesbian who wouldn't have sex with a man.

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