Chapter 9: Work Begins

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"Sabine, how does the name 'Bob Jones' sound?" "Ezra what are you talking about?" "We need cover names. The empire knows 'Sabine Wren' and 'Ezra Bridger'. Does the name 'Bob Jones' sound alright?" "No. You're trying too hard. How about 'Spencer Armstrong'?" "Wow that's a good name Sabine, what about your name?" "I like 'Zoe Wilder'. Do you?" "Sabine that's an awesome name." The two continued talking until the doorbell rang. "Hi," 'Zoe' said. "I'm Adam Armstrong," the person who rang the door said. "I was wondering who the new neighbor was. My wife, Sara, is throwing a party while I'm at work tomorrow. Please stop by if you can. Just tell her Adam sent you." "We'll see what we can do," Ezra said. "Well I have to get to work now. Bye!" After the door closed, Sabine and Ezra inhaled. "Wow, I thought he was gonna ask for our names." "Me too. If he did, I thought you would say bob Jones." "Nah Sabine, I'd have said Spencer." "That's a relief," Sabine said, moving towards Ezra. The pair began kissing and being all cute until the doorbell rang again. "Not again," Sabine complained. "I work at the weapons factory (a fact that made Sabine smile). I was wondering if either of you knew how to manufacture weapons. We need new people and the pay is great." "I know how to make weapons," Sabine said, still smiling. "What kinds?" "Explosives, blasters, rifles, and deactivators." "I like you girl," the strange man said to Sabine. "Work starts tomorrow morning at 06:00. What's your name?" "My name is Zoe Wilder. Thanks for the job." "See you tomorrow Zoe." With that the man left. "Wow. I get to make explosives at work. Perfect cover to get some damage done, right Ezra." "Definitely Sabine.

To be continued....

I have no idea what I just wrote. I had no inspiration after rewatching all of rebels. Sorry for the bad and short chapter, but I wanted to update. Also once I make a cover for a new fanfic I will post it. It's written by a friend of mine.

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