Chapter 7: The New Mission

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Two months after the season one finale
Ezra and Sabine were called into the command ship. They knew there was  a special mission for them, but what command didn't tell them was that the mission would require them to be romantically involved. "Sabine Wren, Ghost crew." "Ezra Bridger, Ghost crew." "You both may enter," the guard told them. "Ezra, Sabine. We have a very important mission for you two. We need 2 teenagers to enter the system of Ord Mantell to gather information. You two are the right age, and would be able to pass as old friends who lost their families in the war. The refugee camp will want to help you two, but you cannot accept the help. The empire runs the camp, and well, we all know what the empire does with refugees." "Commander, Ezra and I will be recognized almost instantly, if not instantly. How will we infiltrate the camp?" Sabine questioned the commander. She was right, the empire knew how she and Ezra looked, even with their hair dyed, they would be identified. "Even if we dye our hair, they will identify us. We need a way to get into the camp and registered without being recognized." Sabine complained. Ezra didn't know what to do, but he could always mind trick the imperials. "Maybe I could mind trick the imperials?" Ezra asked Sabine who only shook her head. "Ezra, almost every person would be an imperial." Sabine reminded Ezra. "Maybe we need to get two other teenagers commander. Two that aren't so recognizable in the eyes of the empire. We are sorry sir." Sabine said in a saddened tone. She really did want to help, but she couldn't. The fact that the two were so recognizable made the task impossible. "We do have another mission you two could do, but Captain Syndulla hasn't approved it for you two. She said that it would take too long and that you two are too young." "Hera always says we're too young to do certain missions. Ezra and I can handle long missions commander." Sabine wanted to do anything to help. "Well you two would be on Nar Shaddaa for six months together. The moon is the only place where you two could get the intel we need. My contact there says the empire wants to take control of the moon. It is the perfect place to get the Hutt families to ally with the empire or the rebellion."

While packing for the mission

"Ezra, Hera will be pissed when she or Kanan finds out about the mission. We can't tell either one that we're going there. Got it?" "Sabine when have I told them something like that before?" "How about the fighter, the time that we stole the phantom and oh yeah the time we painted Hera's room. Just be smart this time and don't get hurt on the mission, okay?" "Sabine I'm not leaving you." Ezra pulled Sabine into a kiss and had to stop when he sensed Zeb wanting in their shared room. "See you soon Sabine." "See you soon Ezra." With that the two finished packing and headed to their transport.

The goodbye
"Ezra be safe and I know you and Sabine are going to Nar Shaddaa." "How do you know? Sabine and I didn't tell anyone that we were going." "Ezra commander Sato told me since you won't be at Jedi training for six months. I'm not mad, but Hera will kill you and me. Just be safe and don't get hurt at all. Oh and most importantly, may the force be with you." "Thanks Kanan. May the force be with you"

To be continued...

A/N: Só this is the last chapter for today. I had a lot of inspiration and I wanted to make sure I updated today. 3 chapters and over 1250 words. The last chapter had over 400 words and this one has over 600 words and the first one is like 250 words. I'm happy with myself. Also will anyone get hurt. Probably, I mean someone needs to get hurt here soon. ~~ Anna

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