Chapter 6: the ship begins

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"Thanks Sabine." "Any time Ezra. I hope your birthday is exciting." "Really? Kanan has me training later. Then I get time off. Maybe we can hang out then?" "I'd love to Ezra."

Training with Kanan
"Saber up Ezra." Ezra deflects 500 blaster bolts from Chopper. "Kanan I'm tired and it's my birthday. Please say we're done for the day." "Go ahead. Happy birthday kid."

Ezra returning to the ghost
"Sabine. Sabine?" "Ezra I'm in my room" Sabine yelled, finishing a painting for Ezra. She had asked Kanan to train him that day so she could make the painting for Ezra. She needed the space and felt bad about it. "Hey Sabine," Ezra said in his I'm cool tone. "Hey Ezra. Do you like the painting?" Sabine asked showing Ezra the painting of him with his light saber up and deflecting a blaster bolt shot by agent Kallus. "Sabine it's beautiful. Did you make this while I was training?" "Yeah I did. I wanted to make something special for your birthday." "Thank you Sabine. It's amazing." Ezra was so happy. He wanted to tell Sabine that he liked her, but he didn't want to ruin their friendship. "H-hey S-Sabine, I ll-like y-you." He said it, he actually said it. He really hoped she liked him too. "Ezra Birdger, I like you too." Sabine told him those words and felt so exposed. She was a strong mandalorian, not someone who wore her heart on her sleeve, but she told Ezra she liked him too. "Sabine I'm glad we know this about each other, but we can't tell the crew. They may freak out." "Agreed Ezra but first," Sabine leaned in and kissed Ezra on the lips. Ezra was surprised at first, but he quickly returned the kiss and cupped Sabine's face in his hands. They stayed that way until they needed air. "Wow Sabine you are amazing." "Happy birthday Ezra Bridger."

A/N: finally happiness. Also I ship it and it's beautiful. I might add some fan art I draw to the headers because well some of it might fit.

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