Chapter 4: The vision

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Some time in the future
"EZRA, Where are you? EZRA?" Sabine screamed at nothing. "EZRA WHERE ARE YOU??" Sabine screamed a final time. Soon her body fell limp and she couldn't see. Ezra was being held by the force by a man he didn't know the identity of. "You will tell me what makes the mandalorian so special." Ezra was confused at first. Where was he, how did he get there and where was Sabine? "I don't know. If I did I would tell you. Where is the mandalorian girl though?" "She is unconscious. Why do you care about her so much? She is weak while you have strength she cannot match, why do you need her?" "Why do you care? All you know is darkness." Ezra spat the last word at the mysterious person.

Back to present day
"Ezra what happened?" Hera asked, genuinely concerned for the kid. "I saw something." "YOU WHAT?" Kanan yelled. "I had a vision Kanan. What does it mean?" "Well I can't say till I know what you saw."

After about 3 hours of explaining everything, the pair came back still arguing.
"How do they argue for 3 hours Hera?" "Sabine if we knew we would stop them" "true." "WELL HOW DO WE STOP IT KANAN?" "EZRA I TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW." "BUT KANAN YOU ARE THE MASTER." "EZRA I MAY BE THE MASTER BUT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR VISION MEANS. Ezra you need to learn to understand your visions. They could save your life and Sabine's." "Kanan do you have any idea who the figure I described was? He was so dark and Sabine and I seemed to be about 30." "Ezra you already told me this."
After 3 more hours of this they FINALLY joined the group.

I'm evil, I know. Who was the hooded figure? Find out here soon. Also I will try not to break reality. That must be said because of who the mystery character is.

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