Chapter 19

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Sabine had already been angry with Zeb for painting Hera's room blue. At least it wasn't green, but it was really annoying to Sabine. Sabine refused to put up with anyone being stupid, causing everyone to behave. Everyone was eating waffles (Because Zeb and Chopper) until the group heard the ship begin to dock with the Phantom. "Kanan and Hera must be back," Ezra stated stupidly.

"I hope nothing happened," Hera told her husband, who was holding their baby while walking extremely awkwardly. "I hope so too, those boys can be really stupid, and Sabine can be aggressive," Kanan said before Jyn started to cry. "Hera please take her." "I will love," Hera said while she was grabbing her baby girl from her Jedi husband. Hera held her baby girl and smiled, calming the child. "I wish that worked for me, Kanan complained. Sabine ran up and greeted the couple and hugged Kanan. "Thank the force you two are back. The boys don't listen. Also Hera, Zeb tried to paint your room blue." "BLUE!! At least he didn't paint it green. Who cleaned it up?" "He did, while I held a blaster at his prized waffle box." "He has a prized waffle box?" "Yes, yes he does." "Okay. Anyways, here is Jyn. I don't trust the boys near her, so you are in charge if Kanan and I are busy." "I get that Hera and she's adorable. Who's room is she in? Yours or Kanan's?" "Kanan's after she turns about 8 months old." Till thin, she will stay in my room with both me and Kanan."

The crew started talking once everyone was home again, showing Jyn to everyone. Hera was so happy to have her family as one again.

To be continued....

A/N: So I have been planning this since Day one and OMG this is kinda cute. I am working on art for baby Jyn, but I haven't finished it yet. Knowing me, I will write a book just on this precious child. Also thank you _nightshade_bites for helping me with this chapter some. ILY friend.


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