Chapter 21

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Kanan was trapped by the Grand Inquisitor. The Pau'an with dark tattoos looked like he was ready to fight. Kanan had his lightsaber in hand, but sabine was injured near him. "Take this son of a bantha down," she told the male Jedi. Kanan nodded, acknowledging Sabine before engaging the male force user. The two force users had a heated battle. Neither one could gain the upperhand in the battle. Kanan was injured, causing problem for him, but he was better with his form than the inquisitor.

The Ghost Crew was taking the troopers down, faster than they could send in more. Zeb was sniping the troopers from his position behind a portion of the wall. Zeb and Ezra had the troopers pinned. They were waiting for Sabine and Kanan. "Where's Kanan and Sabine," Ezra yelled at Zeb. "I don't have the force you do. You sense where they are," Zeb stated. "That's not how the force works," Ezra exclaimed. The pair kept on shooting till they heard screaming troopers. "That girl's crazy," one of the troopers yelled at their reinforcements. Sabine ran in shooting and out of breath."Ezra, Kanan needs your help," Sabine stated, still out of breath. She had her pistols up, ready to blast a trooper.

Kanan and the Inquisitor were still fighting. The pair still was at a standstill. Ezra ran in, lightsaber out, ready to fight. He had his saber in a defensive stance. He had a blade swung at him and he blocked with ease. The inquisitor had an evil smile, not wanting to give up his position, he lunged at Ezra, ready to kill. Ezra didn't get hit by the strike, instead he moved out of the way, lunging at the inquisitor with his own blade. The inquisitor blocked, slicing at Kanan instead of Ezra. Kanan was hit in the arm by the inquisitor's blade. He shrieked in pain, but fought back.

Sabine and Zeb had the last of the troopers stunned. They ran to Kanan and Ezra, not seeing Ezra, Sabine freaked and almost fell of the ledge. Zeb grabbed her before she could fall, making her scream. "EZRA," Sabine shrieked. She was freaking out about her husband not being there. Her baby's father was missing. She saw a strand of blue hair on the level below, causing her to feel relieved yet horrified. 'What if he's dead? What if he can't get up?' Questions like these were racing through her mind.

Ezra slowly sat up. He was rubbing his head and had a scar on his cheek. He winced in pain when he felt the scar. The pain was so bad for him that he almost screamed. He realized how crazy Sabine would be feeling at this moment. He grabbed his comm and called Sabine. "Sabine, I'm alive and mostly uninjured," he said into the comm. "Ezra Kriffing Bridger, get up here now," she replied into her helmet comm. She had a plan to get him up, and she was ready to do it.

To be continued...

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