Chapter 13: Ezbine Wedding Part 2

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Ezra sat in his room with his groomsmen, he was thinking about getting back to the fight. Ezra was deep in thought when his friend, Duangra Carmqui shook him. "Spenc, aren't you going to get ready? You are getting married in 3 hours," the human male asked. "Yeah, Just thinking about what's going to happen after we get married." Ezra didn't want to say much, but he did want to tell his friends that he was leaving to go back to the rebellion. "Hey Spence, come over here," Duangra said. "Whoa," the two men said as they saw the empire arrive on the moon. "This could get messy," Duangra stated. Duangra was a rebel against the empire on Nar Shaddaa. He lead the Sail on the moon, not knowing that his friend was part of Phoenix squadron. "Spence, they're probably here for me and my friends. We're the rebels here." "They aren't here for you. Duangra they're here for me and Zoe. We're rebels. I can't say anything else but we're part of a larger rebellion." Duangra looked stunned. He didn't expect for Spencer to be a rebel. He seemed like a normal person, not someone who lost things to the empire. "Spectre six to spectre one. The empire's here for us. Protect spectre five." That was all Ezra said before his com was shot by the empire. "Karabast" Ezra said and then he grabbed his blaster and began shooting the storm troopers.

"Kanan, what do you mean Ezra is in trouble?" Sabine screamed at the Jedi.

To be continued...

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