Chapter 23

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I love the new cover that I made using art by Meldy Art. Please enjoy chapter 23. Also we're almost done with this book. Next two chapters after this are the final two.

Sabine was in her armor, looking at the man who was standing on the ship. His brown eyes stared into hers. Neither one spoke for what seemed like a millennia until Sabine screamed out in pain. "What's going on?" The male mandalorian asked. Ezra rushed over to his wife who was on the ground. "Ezra, get me to a medbay," Sabine said through gritted teeth. She didn't want to tell her brother what was going on. Ezra scooped her up and carried her to the medbay. She was given a painkiller to help her with the intense pain from labor. She had to be taken to a different room from her brother. She had a baby girl who her and Ezra decided to name Tavi Wren Bridger. Tavi was a tiny child that the pair wanted to raise.

Tristan waited by the door to medbay for the pair to leave. When he heard the door open, he sprung up to see Ezra walk out with a baby. "Who's baby is that?" He asked. "I told you your sister was pregnant. It's her baby," Ezra told the male mandalorian. He was looking at the child with eyes of pure joy. Tristan looked purely happy, not like how he had looked before.

"Tell my sister that I won't bring her in. She is safe, but I do want to see the kid regularly," Tristan told Ezra as he walked to his ship.

"Ezra, who was that?" Hera asked. Ezra looked around before answering.

"That was Tristan, Tristan Wren. He's Sabine's brother," Ezra told Hera. Hera looked surprised, but relaxed after Ezra finished. 

To be continued....

I completed one of my books to redo it, but everyone can still read it. Also this book will end around chapter 25 so that starts next.


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