Chapter 15: The Escape

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Sabine was still bleeding, but she was able to move. "Kanan, we need to get everyone out of here. I'm just going to slow everyone down," Sabine said in a sad tone. "Sabine, we aren't leaving you. If you argue with me, I'll drag you with the force," Kanan and Ezra said in unison. "Kanan, she's my wife," Ezra protested. "Ezra, which one of us is charge? Oh right, it's me." "You always do that." "Do what? Prove I'm right-" "Both of you stop it. I'm the injured one and this won't get us out of here.  We need to call the fleet. Kanan can you call the fleet?" Sabine ordered the arguing boys. "Ok Sabine. Yeah I can call the fleet."
While Kanan called the fleet, someone was helping Sabine with her shoulder. "Try moving your shoulder like this," the girl showed her some basic moments to keep mobility. "Ugh this is annoying, and I live with 2 Jedi, a lasat, a twi'lek, and a droid." "Dang. That sounds crowded." "It is."

"Commander Sato, we need to get the rebels-" "Kanan, we don't even know where they are." "Commander, they're here. They helped us get Sabine here. She was shot in the evacuation." "Kanan, were on our way." "Thank you commander."

"Everyone to the spaceport. We have to get there fast." Kanan yelled to everyone in the room. Everyone went to the spaceport, on edge. Once there, Kanan lead everyone to the hanger for rendezvous point. The Ghost was there, ready to get everyone out of Nar Shaddaa. "Hello Hera," Kanan said as he entered the ship piloted by his lover. "Kanan, don't do that again," Hera said and started to turn around but stopped to hug the Jedi she loved.

To be continued...

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