Not A Chapter or Author's Note

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Hey guys, please don't hate me for still not posting the final chapters. I will post the first one soon, but I've been working on a secret book and that has taken up my time. So I was tagged to do a tag. DovakiinFaye tagged me

  DovakiinFaye tagged me

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1. Anna
2. 15
3. nightshade_bites and wawas_
4. Single
5. Ears
6. I don't really want anymore.
7. None
8. Possibly a rebel alliance symbol because Star Wars has helped me through a bunch of stuff.
9. I'm mainly on Tumblr so art blogs.
10. My name comes from Sabine Wren and well, she is an inspiration and I have dyed hair to match her season 3 hair.
11. Halsey and Taylor Swift
12. Star Wars episode 6
13. I'm very shy around people at school but if I'm with a close friend or making a video for YouTube I'm really outgoing.
14. I really hate that I get super anxious and end up panicking so much. I don't like how it causes me to have issues with my friends or dating people.
15. I love how I'm the person my friends go to for help with friends even though I have like 5 friends.
16. Artist
17. Something where I can get to know the person.
18. People assume that I love the color pink, or that I can't like certain things because I'm a girl.
19. My anxious personality.
20. Bridges (I know I'm strange).
21. They make us work with so many different people.
22. Hehehe, I'm a lesbian so...
23. I don't want to say.
24. I don't want to say.
25. Each fact: many of the common drugs used by doctors were not the intended results of tests.
Star Wars: the first galactic civil war in legends was over 3500 years before the prequel trilogy.
26. "The future is never hopeless, there is always a fight to fight."
27. I don't update often because I really judge my work and when I get stressed my anxiety gets worse to where I feel that what I wrote is horrible.
28. I don't hate people
29. Today and I don't want to talk about it.
30. Personality because looks can change and it's better to have a nice personality than good looks.

I tag

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