Chapter 14: Ezbine Wedding Part 3

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The empire was there, but most of the storm troopers were unconscious. Sabine was in her dress shooting the remaining troopers. Kanan was at her side, deflecting blaster bolts back at the storm troopers.
"Sabine go, have your special day," Kanan yelled at the mandalorian girl in her dress. "Not without you. You're alike a father to me." "Sabine, you have to go. There will be more on their way. You and Ezra need to get married and get back to the fleet. You two have the information we need to gain the help of this sail." "Kanan-" "Sabine just go. You're armed and ready to go."

Sabine ran into the room where they were holding the wedding ceremony. She slowed to a walk when she noticed everyone starring at her. "Let's get married Spencer," Sabine said, looking at Ezra.

"We are gathered here today to join the Spencer Armstrong and Zoe Wilder in marriage."
Spencer Armstrong do you take Zoe Wilder to be your Wife?
"I do" Ezra said, looking at Sabine.
Zoe Wilder do you take Spencer Armstrong to be your Husband?
"I d-" Sabine started, but was shot in the middle of the ceremony. "Zoe, Zoe, ZOE" Ezra screamed, looking at his fiancé. He reached out with the force, pushing the row of storm troopers back. Sabine was able to stand. The bolt had just caught her shoulder. She was able to stand, but she was bleeding from her shoulder. "Ni or'parguur te empire" Sabine said in mando'a. "Hey droid, I do!" "I now pronounce you to be Husband and Wife." The droid finished the ceremony. "All rebels, we have to go," Duangra yelled to everyone. Kanan found everyone and they all escaped to the safe house. "Is everyone alright," Kanan asked everyone in the room. "I'll live," Sabine responded with. "Remember when Vader shot me or when I had the probe droids on me Ezra?" "That was not funny Sabine," her new husband said with a look of concern towards her.

To be continued...

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