Chapter: 2 The Thief

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Ezra was drawn to something. He didn't know what it was, but he knew where it was. Ezra found himself in Kanan's room. He was close to what had drawn him there. Before he realized it, he opened a drawer finding a cube with a blue-toned transparisteel and gold durasteel. He also found a light saber, he ignited it and swung it in an arc.

Kanan sensed someone was in his room and he made his return to the ghost. He found Ezra in in his room, "Give me the light saber." "Light saber? Isn't that the weapon of the Jedi?" "Give. Me. The. Light. Saber." Kanan said as he held out his left hand for Ezra to place the hilt of the saber in.

Meanwhile, Sabine, Zeb, and Hera called chopper, Kanan, and Ezra to the common room to plan the new mission. When Ezra had proven to be a problem, Hera said she'd watch him to keep him and her crew out of trouble.

Zeb, the "Wookiee", had punched a few storm troopers and ran with Kanan to rescue Wookiee prisoners from the empire. They had found out that it was a trap, and made an immediate retreat to the ghost.

Ezra had gone out to help everyone get back, but an ISB agent had grabbed him before he could do anything. Ezra was now a prisoner of the empire.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter. Next chapter will focus more on Sabine and I'll probably make some P.O.V. of some characters not just third person.

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