Chapter 22

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Sabine was not the kind of girl you messed with. She was a trained mandalorian woman. Sabine had her mandalorian van braces on, ready to use her grappling line to grab Ezra. "Ezra, hold on," she shouted to her Jedi husband. Kanan was still fighting the Grand Inquisitor until she heard an explosion. He had fallen into the reactor, causing the ship to explode. "Time to go Sabine," Kanan yelled as they got Ezra up. He looked bad with the scars over his left cheek.


Hera sat in the ship, ready to shoot any troopers that appeared.She was startled when Kanan and the rest ran into the ship yelling. "Hera, time to go," Kanan yelled after everyone was on the ship. Hera gracefully piloted the ship away from the destroyer. Jyn was being her troublesome self as they walked in. "Dada," the six month year old said when she saw Kanan. "Ahh, someone has learned to talk. Hera, thanks for keeping the engines running," he said after entering the cockpit of the Ghost.


"Ezra, how is your cheek," Sabine asked her husband. She was worried about him. She was three months pregnant with their child. Hopefully she would be having a girl to train in the mandalorian ways. "Sabine, I'll be fine. How are you? It can't be easy fighting while pregnant," he said in a reassuring tone. "I'm mandalorian. I can fight and be pregnant," she said in a laughing tone. The pair continued talking until a mandalorian ship docked with the ghost. "Oh, no," Sabine said sprinting to the airlock to meet with the mandalorian. He was in white and gray armor. His helmet had similar markings to hers, but the coloring was white and yellow. "Sabine," he said before grabbing her. "How could you Tristan? You are my brother," she said while he had her arm. At this point, Ezra was sprinting to the airlock to see what was happening. When he got there, he wanted to use the force to rip her from the mandalorian male. "Get away from her," he shouted, causing the male to knock Sabine out. "No. I will take her to the empire for the bounty," he said. "Would you kill a pregnant woman," Ezra asked. "No. I wouldn't kill a pregnant woman," the mandalorian answered. "Then allow Sabine to stay. She's pregnant," Ezra reasoned. The male removed his helmet to show he had the same facial features as Sabine did.

To be continued....

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