Chapter 11: The fight for life

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"Sabine, I sense something," Ezra said, panicking. "What do you sense Ezra?" Sabine asked, her voice filled with worry. "An inquisitor," was all he could say before a red blade was thrown at them, destroying their door. "Hahah, I have found you," the despicable seventh sister announced before engaging Ezra in a lightsaber fight. He had decided to bring his lightsaber blaster just in case of an emergency. He was sure this was an emergency.


Kanan sensed the inquisitor. He ran after her signature, lightsaber in hand. Kanan was ready to save his padawan and his lover. Yes Kanan knew about Ezra and Sabine. He could sense the pair had done something, he could sense they were married. "Ezra and I need to talk," Kanan murmured under his breath.


Once Kanan arrived at the apartment, he ignited his saber and attacked the inquisitor. He recognized her as the seventh sister. "Ezra I'm here to help," Kanan said, stupidly. "Aww, twice the fun," the inquisitor announced. "Man is she twisted," Ezra stated. "Agreed," both Kanan and Sabine said in unison. The seventh sister grabbed Sabine with the force, force chocking her, slowly killing her by not allowing the air to enter her lungs. "Surrender and she lives," the inquisitor stated, smiling. She had no intentions of allowing Sabine to live. She would slowly kill her, but out of nowhere, Kanan and Ezra force pushed her, rendering her unconscious. "Can we please go home," Ezra asked, not wanting to stay here any longer. He wanted to get Sabine to a medical droid, and he knew where there was one. "Yeah," Kanan said. "Follow me to a medical droid," Ezra stated, leading the way with Sabine in his arms.


"Where are we," Kanan asked annoyed. Ezra was taking Sabine to the munitions plant. He knew there was a rebel medical droid there. "Just a little further," Ezra reassured. Once there, the droid gave her an examination, saying she was going to live and heal well. "Thank you," Ezra said, hugging Sabine. Her and Ezra had to be there, they were getting married, but not as Ezra Bridger and Sabine wren but as Spencer Armstrong and Zoe Wilder. "Zoe, Spencer, it's time." A coworker of Sabine's said.

To be continued...

Yay ezbine wedding. What will Kanan say when he realizes it's a wedding. Also yay updates. Why does me being stuck at home in a dark room make me update. Oh well this is good updates since I haven't had inspiration to make any updates.

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