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December 17th, 2016

Eleemosynary (adj.): Relating to or dependent on charity; charitable.


It had only been an hour and a half but the constant clinging of bells outside was already driving Lapis Lazuli crazy.

"Only two more days of this..." She muttered to herself. She leaned against the counter of the small mini Starbucks area which she happened to work at. It was located inside a local grocery store, right next to the sliding doors.

Every time those doors opened Lapis could hear the loud clinging and clanging of bells that volunteers rang, asking for money for charity. And every time she heard it, a bit of her non-existent soul seemed to leave her body.

She had been working non-stop lately, taking overtime shifts and forgetting lunch breaks. She needed the extra money for the holiday season and Christmas was only a week away.

"Come on Lapis," Pearl, Lapis's manager, broke through her thoughts, "These drinks aren't going to make themselves."

"I'm on it Pearl," Lapis sighed, standing up and getting to work. Many minutes passed and multiple drinks were made before something distracted Lapis again.

A girl who was most likely around 18, Lapis's age, walked into the store. She was wearing an oversized coat and muddy jeans that were wet from the rain outside. Her shoes were completely torn up. Her hair was a mess and didn't look like it had been combed in a while. The glasses that rested on her nose were crooked and nearly broken.

The girl didn't do much, just walked to the drinking fountain near the wall and walked around. She pretended to shop for a little bit before leaving.

This wasn't the first person in bad shape Lapis had seen this week but something about the girl caught her eyes. She seemed so young.

"Lapis!" Pearl yelled at her. Lapis looked down to see she had overfilled a coffee which was now dripping on the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," Lapis frowned at herself for getting off track, "I'll clean this up."

Many hours and impatient customers later, it was night time and Lapis's shift was over. She folded the apron into her bag and grabbed her umbrella, ready to brace the harsh rainy weather.

Even as Lapis was closing up shop, the bell ringers kept ringing and smiling at anyone who decided to come to a grocery store at ten o'clock at night. Lapis usually would just ignore them and walk away like any other day but something seemed to stop her. Halfway through the parking lot she turned around.

Lapis walked over to the bell ringers. It was a young boy and a woman this time. Lapis smiled and put a dollar bill in the bucket.

"Thank you!" The boy smiled.

"Happy holidays," The woman nodded.

"Yeah, you too," Lapis gave an awkward chuckle before walking away.

When Lapis got home, she threw herself on her bed. Not even a second later her phone went off. It was a text.

Big Buff Cheeto Puff:
Hey Lapis, whatcha up to?

Nothing really. You?

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