Fireworks (So Many Ships)

503 23 15

December 31st, 2016

Lissom (adj.): Thin, supple, and graceful.


"It's almost happening!" Steven squealed. Everyone was crowded around the TV upstairs. Everyone being Steven, Connie, Greg, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lion, Sadie, and Lars.

Steven had insisted everyone stay up until midnight. The gems had no problem since they don't need sleep. Sadie and Lars being the teenagers they are usually stayed up that late anyways.

Greg probably would've fallen asleep already if it weren't for Steven and Connie who had had so much sugar that night, they were practically bouncing off the walls.

"Here we are in Times Square," The announcer person grinned forcefully on  the TV screen, "And it is only one minute until the New Year. So everybody, grab your partner and prepare a special New Year kiss. Back to you Marge."

"That's right!" Steven gasped, "Everyone needs to find someone to kiss! Quick before the countdown ends!"

"Got it covered," Garnet unfused for a moment and Sapphire stood with Ruby in her arms.

"Ten!" The crowd started counting and everyone joined in, "Nine! Eight!"

Lars and Sadie looked at each other unsurely.

"It's a stupid tradition," Lars grumbled.

"Seven! Six!"

Amethyst laughed in her head as she looked over at Pearl who wasn't paying attention.

"I honestly don't understand the excitement," Pearl laughed a little.

"Five! Four!"

Lion looked around confused as to why everyone was getting closer to each other.

"Three! Two! One!"

Fireworks exploded outside as cheers could be heard throughout the city.

Ruby and Sapphire kissed, giggling in between breaths and went on for as long as they wanted.

Amethyst dramatically grabbed Pearl and dipped her over the bed. She meant it as a joke but then she just thought why not and kissed her. To her surprise Pearl began to kiss back, causing Amethyst to drop her in surprise. Amethyst began laughing so hard she too fell on the floor where they tried again.

Connie quickly kissed Steven on the cheek, both of them blushing madly.

Lars and Sadie both leaned in, attempting to kiss but they ended up hitting foreheads and the two looked away in embarrassment.

Greg chuckled at everyone, "Oh boy." Suddenly Lion launched onto him, knocking him off the bed. "Not you too!" Greg laughed, trying to push Lion off of him and eventually lying there in defeat, attempting not to suffocate in the fur. 

"This isn't even a real holiday anyways," Lars left with his face bright red and hoodie up. Sadie shook her head, laughing a bit and looked out the windows at the fireworks.

Garnet now laid on the bed watching the fireworks too, smiling brightly. Pearl and Amethyst now sat far away from each other, stealing glances at each other every other time.

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