The Ancient Paint War of Beach City Barn • Lapidot

876 24 17

January 4th, 2017

Gewgaw (noun): A showy thing, especially one that is useless or worthless.

*ACTUAL Title (it was "too long" or something): The Story Of How The Awkward Green Gem Made The Anti-Social Blue Gem Miraculously Like Her Through Faulty Drones And Bad TV (Lapidot)*


Awkward was a word to describe Lapis and Peridot's relationship at the barn. Also uncomfortable, unpleasant, tense, and sometimes problematic.

Even though Lapis protected Peridot from the Rubies, she wasn't sure how to feel about her. She was definitely...different.

"Lazuli!" Peridot ran inside the barn, promptly tripping onto her face. She scrambled back to her feet and behind a pile of boxes.

Lapis who had been lying on the rafters of the roof watched with mild interest as Peridot hid from a malfunctioning lawnmower.

It must've been another one of Peridot's inventions. She was determined to build attack drones in case anymore Homeworld Gems showed up. This one had obviously gone wrong.

Peridot threw a small box at it. Surprisingly enough it had no effect.

"Lazuli!" Peridot yelled again and Lapis rolled her eyes. With an easy flick of her finger she used her water powers to toss the lawn mower against the wall. They watched for a moment as the now crushed lawnmower spun on its back before slowly running out of fuel.

"Wow thanks Lazuli!" Peridot grinned and ran over to it. Lapis flew down to her, curious to see her work.

"You know," Peridot studied the broken machine, "This actually looks pretty good. Maybe we should keep it here."

Lapis raised an eyebrow. It was just another piece of junk. But whatever, it was Peridot's side of the barn anyways.

"Oh and look what I found!" Peridot suddenly ran back behind the boxes to grab something.

Lapis rolled her eyes. Peridot had shown her plenty of random things since they'd been there. She doubted anything else could impress her at this point.

Peridot was determined to prove her wrong.

"Look!" Peridot handed Lapis a box filled with VHS tapes.

"They're...slightly smaller boxes?" Lapis looked at Peridot quizzically.

"They're masterpieces," Peridot grinned, "Steven said there was only one but he was wrong!"

"What is it?" Lapis asked, examining one of them.

"Come on," Peridot dragged Lapis to a small area at the top of the barn where Lapis went sometimes. There was a TV and a couch but not much else.

Peridot quickly inserted one of the tapes into the TV and grinned brightly as the show began.

"Last time on Camp Pining Hearts..." The narrator voice said.

"What is this?" Lapis asked skeptically.

"Just watch!" Peridot instructed.

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