We Kept Amethyst

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December 29th, 2016

Agog (adj.): Very eager or curious to hear or see something.


Until that day, Amethyst had never heard another voice other than her own.

Growing up in the kindergarten wasn't easy. Alone all of her life, Amethyst had never met another living being. Her home was abandoned and she was always too afraid to venture far outside the familiar rock's shelter. She had no concept of civilization, just instinct and the strange notion that she was meant to fight.

Amethyst knew most of the place by heart. Every turn, every hole, stocked away in her memory.

Needless to say, Amethyst grew up independent and that idea reinforced itself the first day she met a gem.

She had been wandering the area that day when she came across a bubble, containing something. Curiosity consumed Amethyst. Something new?

She carefully touched the bubble only for it to pop the second she did. Amethyst scrambled behind a rock when it began to glow.

She peeked over the rock but nothing was there that she could see. Hesitantly she walked out, looking for any sign of the gem. She searched the ground and sighed. Whatever it was, it was gone.

Amethyst walked back to her hole, kicking up dust and rocks as she dragged her feet. Suddenly she felt much lonelier than usual.

Ironically she found out soon enough that she wasn't very alone after all. During the nights she could hear scratching along the walls and if she was unlucky enough to be caught outside at night, she saw darting shadows and heard dangerously low growls. Whatever she had unleashed wasn't happy and it was not leaving any time soon.

Amethyst usually managed to escape to the upper holes, knowing the creature couldn't climb very well. She rarely got a good look at it but the moment she did she couldn't unsee it. It's giant gaping mouth had rows of teeth sharpened to a point. It's eyes seemed almost familiar but still deadly.

Day after day, Amethyst would roam the Kindergarten as if it was her castle and she was the queen. And night after night, it became a prison where she was forced to hide.

That is until one day, when she heard a noise not too far from her hole.


"And you're sure it's here Garnet?" Rose asked.

"I saw so in my future vision," Garnet assured her, "The corrupted gem should still be here in its bubble."

"Right," Pearl nodded, "We should start looking immediately." Everyone went into separate directions. Pearl walked through the Kindergarten, searching for the bubble they had left behind a long time ago. She was just about to go back to the others and regroup when something hit the back of her head.

"A rock?" Pearl held a hand where she had been hit. She looked around but didn't see anyone who could've thrown it. Giving the place one more look around, she headed back to the others. Garnet and Rose were already there, waiting for her.

"Any luck?" Rose asked.

"No I didn't find anything," Pearl still looked around, "But I don't think we're alone. Do you think the bubble could've popped?"

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